(redirected from
(as) bright as a new pin
(as) busy as a beaver (building a new dam)
(as) clean as a new pin
(as) good as new
(brand) spanking new
(something) is the new (something)
(the) baby needs (new) shoes
a (new) lick of paint
a (whole) new ballgame
a brave new world
a different/new ball game
a new broom
a new broom sweeps clean
a new kid on the block
a new lease of life
a new lease on life
a new man
a new one (on me)
a new one on
a new one on me
a new slant
a new wrinkle
a New York minute
a whole new ball game
a/the new kid on the block
add a new wrinkle
Anything new down your way?
as good as new
baby needs a new pair of shoes
be (as) clean as a new pin
be as good as new
be new to the game
brand new
brand spanking new
brave new world
brave new world, a
break fresh/new ground
break ground
break new ground
break new paths
breathe (new) life into (someone or something)
breathe life into
bright as a button/new penny
bright as a new pin
clean as a new pin
daddy needs (new) shoes
daddy needs a new pair of shoes
dawn of a new day
do over
feel like a new man/woman
feel like a new person
feel like new
feel like oneself
fresh/new/young blood
give a new lease of life
good as new
in a New York minute
is the new...
like a kid with a new toy
mama needs (new) shoes!
mama needs a new pair of shoes
neat as a new pin
new ball game
new blood
new broom
new broom sweeps clean, a
New brooms sweep clean
new car smell
new kid on the block
new lease on life
new lease on life, a
new man
new normal
new off the irons
new one
new one on
new pastures
new person
new phone, who dis
new school
new standard
new to (all (of)) this
new to the game
new to this
new town
new wine in old bottles
new woman
new wrinkle
new wrinkle, a
New York’s finest
New York's finest
no new friends
nothing new under the sun
pastures new
plumb new depths
plumb new depths (of something)
put a new complexion on (something)
put a new/different complexion on something
ring in the new year
ring out the old and ring in the new
see (someone or something) in a new light
see in a new light
set of wheels
spanking new
take a new turn
take on (a) new meaning
take on (a) new significance
take on a new significance
teach an old dog new tricks
teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
tear (one) a new one
tear someone a new one
That’s a new one on me
that's a new one
that's a new one on me
That's a new one on me!
that's one on me
the emperor's new clothes
the new black
the new kid on the block
the new rock and roll
There is nothing new under the sun
there's nothing new under the sun
turn over a new leaf
turn over a new leaf, to
what else is new
What else is new?
What’s new?
what's cooking
what's new (with you)?
What's new with you?
What's new?
whole new ball game/ball of wax, a
whole new ballgame, a
You cannot put new wine in old bottles
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
joy bang
joy bang; joy
joy booter
joy dust
joy flakes
joy girl
joy jelly
joy juice
joy knob
joy of missing out
joy of my life
joy plant
joy pop
joy popper
joy powder
joy!; rapture!
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更新时间:2025/3/13 10:00:39