

词组 send something on
释义 (redirected from send something on)

send (something) on

To forward or pass on something, especially documents or mail. I heard you're looking for a new IT specialist—let me send on the resume of a guy I know. Please send our mail on to the new address.

send someone or something on (ahead) (of someone or something)

to dispatch someone or something to arrive before someone or something else. I sent my personal assistant on ahead of me to get the rooms ready. Jeff sent on his luggage.

send on

1. Forward something, as in He's moved; I'll send on this letter to his new address. [First half of 1800s]
2. send someone on. Cause someone to go on an errand or path, as in I sent your brother on an errand but he should be back soon, or They've sent us on a wild goose chase. [Second half of 1800s]




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