

词组 refer to
refer torefer (someone) to (someone/something)
to give someone the name of someone else or of an organization.
My doctor referred me to a cancer specialist.She was referred to the Rare Books department of the public library.
Usage notes: people are usually referred to someone or something that will help them, as in the examples

Phr V
refer to
refers, referring, referred
refer to sb/sth
to talk about or mention someone or something
In his autobiography he repeatedly refers to his unhappy school days.
often + as
He always referred to his father as 'the old man'.
if writing or information refers to someone or something, it describes or is about that person or thing
The figures below refer to UK sales alone.
refer to sth
to read something in order to get information
Refer to the users' guide if you have any problems.She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.
refer sb/sth to sb/sth
to send someone or something to a different place or person in order to get information or help or in order to be dealt with
Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist.They are hoping their case will be referred to the European Court.
phraserefer to1. refer to sb/sth to mention or speak about someone or something: What was the organization that you referred to at the beginning of the lecture? Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.refer to sb/sth as sth (=call them by a particular name) He just referred to her as "my friend Sarah" - I don't know whether they're together or not. The computer screen is referred to as the monitor.2. refer to sth to read or look at a book, note, map etc in order to get information: You can refer to the course textbook if you need further information on this subject. Without referring to my notes, I can't remember exactly what she said. SIMILAR TO: consult3. refer to sth/sb if part of a book, article, document etc refers to something or someone, it describes or is about that person or thing: The blue line on the graph refers to sales. The table on page three refers to rainfall in the region.4. refer sb/sth to sb to send a person or problem to someone with special knowledge or experience to get information, advice, or a decision: Your family doctor will refer you to a specialist at the eye hospital. Shop assistants are instructed to refer customers to senior staff if they have a complaint. The case has been referred to a higher court.5. refer sb to sth formal to suggest that someone looks at a book, article, report etc for a particular piece of information: I refer you to my letter of March 18, 1998 with respect to your application for a grant. We asked him where it came from in the Bible and he referred us to Exodus, Chapter 14.

refer (one) to (someone or something)

To send or direct one to someone or something as a source of information or support. You can refer the customer to clause 34-B if they are still unsure of their obligation. Let me refer you to a friend of mine. He's a clinical psychologist and may be able to help.

refer to (someone or something)

1. To mention or make a reference to someone or something. "What a loudmouth," said John, referring to Tom. I was referring to Paris, Texas, not Paris, France.
2. To indicate, signify, or point to someone or something. The first pie chart refers to the company's various expenditures, while the second refers to our sources of revenue. This line in the application refers to people with a weekly income of less than $500.
3. To look or turn to something as a source of information or support. Please refer to your employee handbook if you have any questions about these policies.

refer someone to someone or something

to direct someone to someone or something; to send someone to someone or something. The front office referred me to you, and you are now referring me to someone else! They should have referred you to the personnel department.

refer to someone or something

to mention someone or something. Are you referring tome when you speak about a kind and helpful person? I was referring to the personnel department.

refer to

1. To mention or reference someone or something: When you say he's clumsy, are you referring to what he did the other day? When we are in the meeting, refer to me as your colleague and not as your sister.
2. To signify something or someone directly; denote something or someone: The red line on the graph refers to the birth rate and the blue line to the death rate.
3. To pertain to something or someone; concern something or someone: I have a question referring to yesterday's lecture.
4. To direct someone to someone or something for help, support, or information: My doctor couldn't find the problem, so she referred me to a specialist.
5. To have recourse to someone or something for help, support, or information; turn to someone or something: Whenever I encounter a word that I don't know, I refer to a dictionary.
6. To direct the attention of someone to something: The instructor referred us to the third page of the manual.




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