

词组 shoe
a detective. An abbreviation of GUMSHOE US, 1988.
a black person. A play on BOOT US, 1960.
in drag and motor racing, a driver US, 1980.
among Quebec anglophones, the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke. The word 'shoe' indicates how the acronym CHUS is pronounced, leaving off the last consonant in the French way CANADA, 2001.
a linear amplifier for a citizens' band radio US, 1976

nickname Willie Shoemaker (b.1931), the most successful jockey in the history of horse racing in the US US, 1977
idiomshoeif the shoe fits (wear it) AmEAmEspoken used in order to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true or fair:Many people felt that Meyers' statement was intended to be a slap at the Governor. When asked whether this was true, Meyers said, "If the shoe fits....""So you're saying I'm a pig?" "Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it."BrE = if the cap fits (wear it)the shoe is on the other foot AmEAmEused in order to say that someone who caused problems for other people in the past is now in a similar situation to the people they caused problems for:Carstens justified the policy by saying their rivals would take similar action if the shoe were on the other foot.Some of the same managers who couldn't be bothered to respond to job applications now find the shoe is on the other foot. How will people respond to their applications for jobs?BrE = the boot is on the other footwait for the other shoe to drop AmEAmEto wait for the next part of an unpleasant process to happen:We know that it will only take another mud slide for our house to go into the canyon, but we can't do anything but wait for the other shoe to drop.The company cut 800 jobs last month, so now it's just a case of waiting for the other shoe to drop. After our research funding was cut, it didn't take long for the other shoe to drop. Budget cuts have been announced for all universities.
  • (as) comfortable as an old shoe
  • (as) common as an old shoe
  • (the) baby needs (new) shoes
  • a goody two-shoes
  • an old shoe
  • another pair of shoes
  • as ever trod shoe-leather
  • baby needs a new pair of shoes
  • be (as) tough as shoe leather
  • be in (someone's) shoes
  • be in another person's shoes
  • be in somebody's shoes
  • be shaking in (one's) shoes
  • be waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • comfortable as an old shoe
  • comfortable as an old shoe, as
  • common as an old shoe
  • daddy needs (new) shoes
  • daddy needs a new pair of shoes
  • dead men's shoes
  • drop the other shoe
  • fill (one's) boots
  • fill (one's) shoes
  • fill shoes
  • fill somebody's boots/shoes
  • fill someone's shoes
  • for want of a nail
  • For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse ...
  • give (one) running shoes
  • goody two-shoes
  • goody-two-shoes
  • gumshoe
  • gym shoe
  • have the shoe on the other foot
  • heart sinks, one's
  • high-button shoes
  • If the shoe fits
  • if the shoe fits(, wear it)
  • if the shoe fits, wear it
  • in (one's) shoes
  • in else's shoes
  • in someone else's shoes
  • in someone's shoes
  • it's ill waiting for dead men's shoes
  • mama needs (new) shoes!
  • mama needs a new pair of shoes
  • over shoes, over boots
  • pea in the shoe
  • put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes
  • put in place
  • put on (one's) dancing shoes
  • put yourself in somebody's shoes/place
  • quake in (one's) boots
  • quake in (one's) shoes
  • quaking/shaking in your boots/shoes
  • shake in (one's) shoes
  • shake in one's shoes/boots, to
  • shake in your shoes
  • shoe (one's) mule
  • shoe is on the other foot
  • shoe is on the other foot, the
  • shoe polish
  • shoe the goose
  • shoestring budget
  • soft shoe
  • stand in (someone's) shoes
  • step into (someone's) shoes
  • step into dead men's shoes
  • step into shoes
  • step into somebody's shoes
  • step into someone's shoes
  • the baby needs shoes
  • the boot is on the other foot
  • the shoe is on the other foot
  • wait for dead men's shoes
  • wait for the other shoe to drop
  • walk a mile in (someone's) shoes
  • where the shoe pinches
  • wouldn't want to be in shoes




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