

词组 neatness
释义 (redirected from neatness)

neat as a new pin

Very neat, tidy, and clean. I expected Danny's student apartment to be a total mess, but it was neat as a new pin!

(as) neat as ninepence

Very tidy, neat, and well-organized; in good order. After my kids made me breakfast in bed, I expected the kitchen to be a mess. But was I ever surprised to find the whole place as neat as ninepence when I came downstairs! James is so meticulous with his office, always keeping it neat as ninepence.

neat as a bandbox

Impeccably dressed; stylish. A bandbox is a container that was used to store accessories like collars and ruffs. Dave, I just love that suit and tie on you! You look neat as a bandbox!

(as) neat as a pin

Tidy; clean; in good or neat order. I expected Danny's student apartment to be a total mess, but it was as neat as a pin when we arrived! I expect you to leave this kitchen neat as a pin when you finish for the night, understand?

*neat as a pin

Cliché neat and orderly. (*Also: as ~.) Brad is such a good housekeeper; his apartment is always as neat as a pin. Joanne certainly is well-organized. Her desk is neat as a pin.


1. mod. great; cool; fine. That was not a very neat thing to do.
2. exclam. Wow! (Usually Neat!) Neat! I’m glad you came.

neat as a pin

Trim, orderly. This term dates from the late eighteenth century and appeared in print in several works by John Wolcot (who used the pseudonym Peter Pindar), as “neat as a new pin.”




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