

词组 hold still for me
释义 (redirected from hold still for me)

hold still for (someone or something)

1. To stop moving so that something can be administered. Often used as an imperative I know you're scared, but I really need you to hold still for your shot.
2. To accept, tolerate, endure, or put up with something. (Often used in the negative to indicate the opposite.) Do you really think the boss will hold still for this outrageous plan of yours? The people of this country will no longer hold still for the persecution administered by the despots and corrupt politicians in government.
3. To stop moving so that someone can do something. Often used as an imperative. Hold still for me, sweetie—I need to look at your cut.

hold still for something

 and stand still for something
Fig. to tolerate or endure something. (Often in the negative.) I won't stand still for that kind of behavior! She won't hold still for that kind of talk.

hold still for

Also, stand still for. Accept or tolerate something, as in Do you think he'll hold still for your decision? These terms are often put negatively, as in The town won't hold still for another increase in property taxes, or The teacher won't stand still for this kind of behavior. The first expression employs hold in the sense of "sustain a particular position or attitude," a usage dating from about 1300.




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