

词组 sidewalk
sidewalk superintendentsidewalk surfing
idiomsidewalksidewalk superintendent AmEAmEsomeone who annoys people by watching them work and giving advice about how to do it, even when they do not know anything about it:The new 45-minute videotape, "Installing Your New Kitchen", will make it easier for homeowners to be sidewalk superintendents if a contractor does the job.Joggers and part-time sidewalk superintendents watched as work crews tore up a three-block stretch of State Street.

sidewalk superintendent

slang Someone who observes a construction or demolition job with great interest from a vantage point outside of the job site, such as the sidewalk. There was a whole crowd of sidewalk superintendents gathered around to see the historic theater being leveled to the ground. Apparently I was quite the sidewalk superintendent as a child, spending hours watching construction crews go about their business.

sidewalk surfing

The act of skateboarding, or an instance of such, especially when used as transportation rather than for doing tricks. The older people in my neighborhood give me funny looks whenever they see me out sidewalk surfing. This town is known for its sidewalk surfing. In fact, you tend to see more people going to work on skateboards than on bicycles.

sidewalk surfer

Someone who rides a skateboard, especially as a means of transportation rather than to do tricks. This town is full of sidewalk surfers zipping by on their way to class or work. I used to be a sidewalk surfer when I was in college, but after breaking my ankle I never got back on a board again.

sidewalk superintendent

1. n. someone who—out of curiosity—watches excavations being dug and buildings being built. All day, the lines of sidewalk superintendents oozed by.
2. n. any critic. If another sidewalk superintendent comes in here and tries to tell me how to manage this office, heads will roll.

sidewalk surfing

n. skateboarding. Bill spent a lot of time sidewalk surfing until the town passed an ordinance against it.




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