

词组 you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
You do a favor for me and I'll do a favor for you.; If you do something for me that I cannot do for myself, I will do something for you that you cannot do for yourself.
I'll grab the box on the top shelf if you will creep under the table and pick up my pen. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.Politicians are always saying to one another, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

You help me and I'll help you. Thanks for the file. Here’s your money—you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, remember?

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Fig. You do a favor for me and I'll do a favor for you.; If you do something for me that I cannot do for myself, I will do something for you that you cannot do for yourself. I'll grab the box on the top shelf if you will creep under the table and pick up my pen. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours


I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine

People say you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours to describe the way that one person helps another because they know that person will help them in return. For men, commitments are based on common interest: I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine. Note: You can also talk about back-scratching, meaning help that one person gives to another so that they will be helped in return. There was a lot of mutual back-scratching between directors and executives. Note: This phrase is often used to show disapproval.

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

if you do me a favour, I will return it. proverb

ˌyou scratch ˈmy back and ˌI’ll scratch ˈyours

(saying) used to say that if somebody helps you, you will help them, even if this is unfair to others ▶ ˈback-scratching noun: There is too much back-scratching in local politics in this town.




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