

词组 water over the dam

water over the dam

A prior issue or unfortunate past event that is now considered resolved, settled, or forgotten about. That argument we had is just water over the dam now—don't even worry about it. A: "I'm so sorry for bringing up that thing with your father again!" B: "Don't be, that was a long time ago. It's water over the dam."

water over the dam

 and water under the bridge
Fig. past and unchangeable events. Your quarrel with Lena is water over the dam; now you ought to concentrate on getting along with her. George and I were friends once, but that's all water under the bridge now.

water over the dam

Also, water under the bridge. Something that is over and done with, especially an unfortunate occurrence. For example, Last year's problems with delivery are water over the dam, or Never mind that old quarrel; that's water under the bridge. These metaphoric phrases allude to water that has flowed over a spillway or under a bridge and thus is gone forever. The first term was first recorded in 1797; the variant dates from the late 1800s.

water over the dam

Over and done with; past. This term, along with the slightly older water under the bridge, is a metaphor for anything finished and irreversible just as water that has once flowed through a spillway or under a bridge is gone forever. Richard Sale combined both metaphors in Passing Strange (1942): “‘That’s water under the dam.’—‘Bridge,’ I said. ‘Or water over the dam.’”




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