

词组 waterer
释义 (redirected from waterer)
  • a fish out of water
  • a mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • a tall drink of water
  • above water
  • as a duck takes to water
  • back water
  • be (like) water off a duck's back
  • be as/like oil and water
  • be blown out of the water
  • be dead in the water
  • be in deep water
  • be in hot water
  • be like a fish out of water
  • be like oil and water
  • be water off a duck's back
  • be water under the bridge
  • beauty is only skin deep
  • between wind and water
  • big drink of water
  • blood in the water
  • Blood is thicker than water
  • blow (someone or something) out of the water
  • blow out
  • blow out of the water
  • blow somebody/something out of the water
  • blow someone out of the water
  • body of water
  • bread and water
  • bubble water
  • by hell or high water
  • by water
  • can talk under water
  • carry (someone's) water
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • carry water
  • carry water for (someone)
  • cast (one's) bread upon the waters
  • Cast bread upon the waters
  • cast one's bread upon the waters, to
  • cast your bread upon the waters
  • clear blue water
  • cold water, to pour/throw
  • come hell or high water
  • come on in
  • come on in, the water's fine
  • Come on in, the water's fine!
  • could talk under water
  • couldn't pour water out of a boot
  • cut (one's) water off
  • cut water off
  • dead in the water
  • deep water
  • dip (one's) toe in the water
  • dip a toe in the water
  • don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
  • dull as dishwater
  • firewater
  • first magnitude/order/water, of the
  • fish in troubled waters
  • fish out of water
  • fish out of water, a
  • foo-foo water
  • get (one's) head above water
  • get head above water and have head above water
  • get in(to) deep water
  • get in(to) hot water
  • get into hot water, to
  • giggle water
  • go through fire and water
  • go through hell and high water
  • have (one's) head above water
  • have both oars in the water
  • have just one oar in the water
  • head above water, keep one's
  • hell and high water
  • hell or high water
  • hell or high water, come
  • hewers of wood and drawers of water
  • high-water mark
  • hold (one's) water
  • hold water
  • hold water, to
  • hot water
  • in deep
  • in deep water
  • in deep water(s)
  • in hot water
  • in low water
  • in smooth water
  • in smooth water(s)
  • jerkwater
  • jerkwater town
  • joy water
  • keep (one's) head above water
  • keep both oars in the water
  • keep head above water
  • keep one's head
  • keep one's head above water, to
  • keep your head above water
  • laughing soup
  • laughing water
  • like a duck to water
  • like a fish out of water
  • like water
  • like water off a duck's back
  • long drink of water
  • make (one's) mouth water
  • make a hole in the water
  • make mouth water
  • make one's mouth water
  • make one's mouth water, to
  • make somebody's mouth water
  • make someone's mouth water
  • make water
  • make your mouth water
  • milk and water
  • milk-and-water
  • mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • mouth-watering
  • muddy the water
  • muddy the water(s)
  • muddy the waters
  • muddy the waters, to
  • murky waters
  • murky/uncharted waters
  • navigable waters
  • not hold water
  • of the first water
  • oil and water
  • pass water
  • pay the water bill
  • plow water
  • plowing water
  • pour cold water on
  • pour cold water on (something)
  • pour cold water on something
  • pour oil on troubled water
  • pour oil on troubled water(s)
  • pour oil on troubled waters
  • pour oil on troubled waters, to
  • pour/throw cold water on something
  • spend money like water
  • spout from (something)
  • spout out
  • still waters run deep
  • swish around
  • take in water
  • take to
  • take to (something) like a duck to water
  • take to it like a duck to water, to
  • take to something like a duck to water
  • test the water
  • test the water (waters), to
  • test the water(s)
  • test the water/waters
  • through hell and high water
  • throw cold water on
  • throw cold water on (something)
  • throw out the baby with the bath water
  • throw out the baby with the bathwater
  • throw the baby out with the bath water
  • throw the baby out with the bathwater
  • toilet water
  • tread water
  • troubled waters
  • turn someone’s water off
  • turn water off
  • uncharted waters
  • under water
  • untested waters
  • walk on water
  • walk on water, to
  • water down
  • water feature
  • water one’s cheeks
  • water over the dam
  • water power
  • water to (one's) mill
  • water under the bridge
  • watered-down
  • watering hole
  • with both oars in the water
  • wonder water
  • won't hold water
  • woofle-water
  • wozzle-water
  • write on water
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
  • you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
  • you can take/lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • You never miss the water till the well runs dry




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更新时间:2024/9/21 19:07:42