

词组 water down
water downwater down (something)
to make something weaker.
Some people say the new regulations water down several laws that protect people who rent apartments in the city.Once the bill is introduced, he's worried that lawmakers will water it down.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of water down something (= to add water to a liquid to weaken things mixed in it)

Phr V
water down
waters, watering, watered
water down sth or water sth down
to add water to a drink, especially an alcoholic drink
I suspect they water down the beer in that pub.She'll drink a little white wine if it's been watered down.
to make an idea or opinion less strong in order to make more people agree with it, or to make a plan or suggestion more acceptable
The party has been criticized for watering down its more radical policies.The bill has been watered down in response to pressure by farmers.
The new law is a watered-down version of what the judges recommended.
phrasewater down1. water down sthwater sth down to change a plan, system, statement etc so that it is much less effective or powerful, in order to make it more acceptable - used to show disapproval: Gaidar's economic reforms were watered down by the Russian parliament. Environmental campaigners say that tougher controls on pollution from cars have been watered down because of pressure from the car industry.watered-down adj changed and made much less effective or powerful: Blair's watered-down version of socialism The ANC favours a watered-down form of regional government.2. water down sthwater sth down to add water to alcoholic drinks and make them weaker, especially in order to deceive people by serving them less alcohol than they have paid for: The bar staff aren't very friendly, and I'm sure they water down the drinks. SIMILAR TO: dilutewatered-down adj watered-down alcoholic drinks have had water added: The drinks were watered-down, and I wasn't very impressed with the food either.

water down

1. To dilute, usually by literally adding water. A noun or pronoun can be used between "water" and "down." That place waters down their drinks. After you added the stock, the soup tasted like it had been watered down. I think you need to let it reduce some more.
2. To weaken or make less effective. A noun or pronoun can be used between "water" and "down." The problem with working with a large group is that you end up having to compromise and water down the final product just to make every one happy. I wish they wouldn't water down these films—audiences are sophisticated enough to understand a complex story without the main character having to spell it out.
3. To cover a surface with water. A noun or pronoun can be used between "water" and "down." Every night after the amusement park closes, workers water down the sidewalk to clean it for the next day.
4. To decrease the value of a stock (or a certain portion of that stock) by making more shares available. A noun or pronoun can be used between "water" and "down." You have to be careful that you don't purchase stock that can be watered down without your knowledge.

water something down

1. to dilute something. Who watered the orange juice down? Jim watered down the orange juice.
2. to water something thoroughly. Will you water the lawn down tonight? Water down the lawn this evening so it will grow tomorrow.
3. Fig. to reduce the effectiveness or force of something. (Fig. on {2}.) Please don't water my declaration down. The new laws watered down the power of the president.

water down

Dilute or weaken, as in He watered down that unfavorable report with feeble excuses. [Mid-1800s]

water down

1. To dilute or weaken something by adding water: The dishonest bartender watered down the liquor. The cook watered the sauce down.
2. To decrease the value of a share of stock, or the value of some group of shares, by increasing the number of shares available for sale: Investors are concerned that stock option grants will water down their holdings. I hope that decision doesn't water the stock values down.
3. To reduce the strength or effectiveness of something: In the end, the legislation was watered down by multiple amendments. The speaker watered his message down with lots of boring stories.
4. To wet the surface of something entirely: The fire department watered down the houses near the brush fire. The road crew watered the dusty road down.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 18:31:08