

词组 water
1. noun
methamphetamine or another central nervous system stimulant US, 1989.
phencyclidine, the recreational drug known as PCP or angel dust US, 1989.
semen TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1983⇨ See: WATERCRESS, WATER HEN. go in the waterto lose an athletic contest or other competition intentionally US, 1955. go to waterto be overcome with fear; to fail to maintain a resolve AUSTRALIA, 1950. in the water; out in the waterin debt US, 1992. over the waterNorthern Ireland. A British armed services' view of the world UK, 1995
2. verb
water her garden(of a man) to have sex with a woman JAMAICA, 1998. water the gardento change the bottles of intravenous fluid that feed a neurologically depressed hospital patient US, 1978. water the horsesto urinate AUSTRALIA, 1971. water the vegetablesto administer intravenous fluids to a hospital's neurologically depressed patients US, 1985
⇨ water hen; water
noun ten. Rhyming slang, especially in horse racing UK, 1969
⇨ watercress; water
1. noun
a dress. Rhyming slang UK, 1998
2. verb
to dress. Rhyming slang UK, 1998
idiomwaterblow sth out of the waterto destroy a business or organization, or show that an idea or plan is not true or will not workoften used in newspapers and magazines:I could name a number of Australian wines that could blow the French vineyards out of the water.Assertions that private pensions can match state pensions have been blown out of the water by a number of recent scandals. be dead in the waterused in order to say that a business or plan has failed completely or has no chance of succeedingoften used in newspapers and magazines:We have to work with big names such as Sony and IBM; if we don't we're dead in the water.The peace initiative looks dead in the water now that the ceasefire has been broken.not hold waterused in order to say that a plan, argument or idea is not true or does not work:The notion that Douglas Home was lazy just doesn't hold water; when he was Prime Minister he was up and working by 6.30 every morning.Hume's argument sounds logical, but doesn't hold water when you actually look at the facts.in/into deep waterin a situation in which you have problems doing or achieving something, especially because you do not know enough about it:Psychologists can get into deep water trying to explain everything in terms of early life experiences.With the film 'Black Fury', Warner Bros had wandered into deep water with their controversial view of the miners' strike.in/into hot waterin trouble with people in authority because of something you have said or doneoften used in newspapers and magazines:This is not the first time that Durenberger has been in hot water with the Senate Ethics Committee.McIntyre landed in hot water after allegedly making a V-sign to the fans after last week's draw.sth is (like) water off a duck's backused in order to say that advice, warnings, rude remarks etc have no effect on someone:No matter how hard he tried, McLaren could not upset Branson, his subtle rudeness and game-playing tactics were like water off a duck's back.Legally we have many regulations that protect the interests of women, but it's water off a duck's back and no one obeys the rules.it's/that's (all) water under the bridgeused in order to say that you no longer feel angry about something that happened a long time ago, or to tell someone else that they should not feel angry:Can't you forgive Patrick for what he did? After all it's water under the bridge now.Bo Diddley is still upset at how badly he was paid by record companies, "Sure it's all water under the bridge, but my kids suffered because of that water."a lot of water has gone/passed/flowed under the bridge sinceused in order to say that a lot of time has passed or that a situation has changed a lot since a particular event:A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we won the trophy; it will be interesting to see what has been happening to the members of the team.It was at the airmen's dance that I met my future husband, but a lot of water was to flow under the bridge before we got married.a ___ of the first waterused in order to say that someone or something is an extreme example of a particular type:She hardly knew anyone at the party; only Barbara, and she was a bore of the first water.She is the kind of person for whom having someone to talk to is a necessity of the first water.pour cold water on sthto say that you do not think an idea or plan is good or sensible, so that people stop using it or being interested in it:To make matters worse, China's allies poured cold water on its plans for industrial expansion.The education secretary poured cold water on the notion that there will be a committee to look at physical education in schools.test the water/watersto find out what reaction people have to a plan or idea, before you begin to use itoften used in business and politics:In his speech Clinton was clearly testing the water to gauge reactions to his proposal.I'd like to test the waters before we put in a formal request for a new sports hall.be treading waterused in order to say that a business or person is not developing and becoming more successful:During your first two or three years at ICI, you may feel as though you are treading water, because you are in the process of proving yourself.In these times well-financed companies can afford to tread water, there is no pressure to expand .
NoteTreading water is a way of swimming that lets you float and look around without moving forward.
phrasewater[watered, watered, watering]
water down 1. water down sthwater sth down to change a plan, system, statement etc so that it is much less effective or powerful, in order to make it more acceptable - used to show disapproval: Gaidar's economic reforms were watered down by the Russian parliament. Environmental campaigners say that tougher controls on pollution from cars have been watered down because of pressure from the car industry.watered-down adj changed and made much less effective or powerful: Blair's watered-down version of socialism The ANC favours a watered-down form of regional government.2. water down sthwater sth down to add water to alcoholic drinks and make them weaker, especially in order to deceive people by serving them less alcohol than they have paid for: The bar staff aren't very friendly, and I'm sure they water down the drinks. SIMILAR TO: dilutewatered-down adj watered-down alcoholic drinks have had water added: The drinks were watered-down, and I wasn't very impressed with the food either.
  • a fish out of water
  • a mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • a tall drink of water
  • above water
  • as a duck takes to water
  • back water
  • be (like) water off a duck's back
  • be as/like oil and water
  • be blown out of the water
  • be dead in the water
  • be in deep water
  • be in hot water
  • be like a fish out of water
  • be like oil and water
  • be water off a duck's back
  • be water under the bridge
  • beauty is only skin deep
  • between wind and water
  • big drink of water
  • blood in the water
  • Blood is thicker than water
  • blow (someone or something) out of the water
  • blow out
  • blow out of the water
  • blow somebody/something out of the water
  • blow someone out of the water
  • body of water
  • bread and water
  • bubble water
  • by hell or high water
  • by water
  • can talk under water
  • carry (someone's) water
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • carry water
  • carry water for (someone)
  • cast (one's) bread upon the waters
  • Cast bread upon the waters
  • cast one's bread upon the waters, to
  • cast your bread upon the waters
  • clear blue water
  • cold water, to pour/throw
  • come hell or high water
  • come on in
  • come on in, the water's fine
  • Come on in, the water's fine!
  • could talk under water
  • couldn't pour water out of a boot
  • cut (one's) water off
  • cut water off
  • dead in the water
  • deep water
  • dip (one's) toe in the water
  • dip a toe in the water
  • don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
  • dull as dishwater
  • firewater
  • first magnitude/order/water, of the
  • fish in troubled waters
  • fish out of water
  • fish out of water, a
  • foo-foo water
  • get (one's) head above water
  • get head above water and have head above water
  • get in(to) deep water
  • get in(to) hot water
  • get into hot water, to
  • giggle water
  • go through fire and water
  • go through hell and high water
  • have (one's) head above water
  • have both oars in the water
  • have just one oar in the water
  • head above water, keep one's
  • hell and high water
  • hell or high water
  • hell or high water, come
  • hewers of wood and drawers of water
  • high-water mark
  • hold (one's) water
  • hold water
  • hold water, to
  • hot water
  • in deep
  • in deep water
  • in deep water(s)
  • in hot water
  • in low water
  • in smooth water
  • in smooth water(s)
  • jerkwater
  • jerkwater town
  • joy water
  • keep (one's) head above water
  • keep both oars in the water
  • keep head above water
  • keep one's head
  • keep one's head above water, to
  • keep your head above water
  • laughing soup
  • laughing water
  • like a duck to water
  • like a fish out of water
  • like water
  • like water off a duck's back
  • long drink of water
  • make (one's) mouth water
  • make a hole in the water
  • make mouth water
  • make one's mouth water
  • make one's mouth water, to
  • make somebody's mouth water
  • make someone's mouth water
  • make water
  • make your mouth water
  • milk and water
  • milk-and-water
  • mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • mouth-watering
  • muddy the water
  • muddy the water(s)
  • muddy the waters
  • muddy the waters, to
  • murky waters
  • murky/uncharted waters
  • navigable waters
  • not hold water
  • of the first water
  • oil and water
  • pass water
  • pay the water bill
  • plow water
  • plowing water
  • pour cold water on
  • pour cold water on (something)
  • pour cold water on something
  • pour oil on troubled water
  • pour oil on troubled water(s)
  • pour oil on troubled waters
  • pour oil on troubled waters, to
  • pour/throw cold water on something
  • spend money like water
  • spout from (something)
  • spout out
  • still waters run deep
  • swish around
  • take in water
  • take to
  • take to (something) like a duck to water
  • take to it like a duck to water, to
  • take to something like a duck to water
  • test the water
  • test the water (waters), to
  • test the water(s)
  • test the water/waters
  • through hell and high water
  • throw cold water on
  • throw cold water on (something)
  • throw out the baby with the bath water
  • throw out the baby with the bathwater
  • throw the baby out with the bath water
  • throw the baby out with the bathwater
  • toilet water
  • tread water
  • troubled waters
  • turn someone’s water off
  • turn water off
  • uncharted waters
  • under water
  • untested waters
  • walk on water
  • walk on water, to
  • water down
  • water feature
  • water one’s cheeks
  • water over the dam
  • water power
  • water to (one's) mill
  • water under the bridge
  • watered-down
  • watering hole
  • with both oars in the water
  • wonder water
  • won't hold water
  • woofle-water
  • wozzle-water
  • write on water
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
  • you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
  • you can take/lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • You never miss the water till the well runs dry




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更新时间:2025/3/14 7:37:53