

词组 what the hell
what the hell
informal something that you say when you suddenly change your plans to show that you will not worry about any problems this might cause.
I was going to work this evening, but what the hell - let's go to a movie instead.

what the hell

1. An exclamation used to emphasize surprise, shock, anger, disgust, etc. In this phrase, "the hell" is used as an intensifier. What the hell are you doing? You can't come in here! What the hell? I just had this fixed, and now there's a dent in it! Just what the hell is going on here?
2. Why not; one might as well; it makes no difference anyway. A: "Do you think we can add some extra effects to this scene?" B: "Sure, what the hell." Let's see, I'll take a gallon of milk, a carton of eggs, a loaf of bread, and… what the hell, one of those bouquets of flowers, too.

What (in) the hell?

1. Inf. What has happened?; What? What in the hell? Who did this? What the hell happened here?
2. Inf. What does it matter? Why not? (Usually with the force of an exclamation.) Give her a new one. What the hell! Don't be such a cheapskate. Get the nice one. What the hell!

what the hell

1. It's not important, who cares, as in It cost a lot more, but what the hell, we can afford it. [Second half of 1800s] Also see what of it.
2. An intensive of what, as in What the hell do you think you're doing? [First half of 1800s] Also see under on earth.

what the ˈhell!

(spoken) it doesn’t matter; I don’t care: ‘Do you want a cigarette?’ ‘No, thanks, I’ve given up. Oh, what the hell! Yes, I will have one, after all.’(Some people find this use offensive.)

What the hell?

See What in the hell?




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