

词组 totalling up
释义 (redirected from totalling up)

total up

To tally or add up some numbers, especially in relation to the cost of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "total" and "up." Total up the various expenses you have during your trip and submit a request for reimbursement from payroll. I nearly fainted when the waiter totaled up the bill and told us we owed over $300 for the meal. Let's just total it all up and divide the cost equally between everyone here.

total something up

to add up the total of something. Please total the bill up and let me see the cost. Total up the bill and give it to me.

total up

To calculate something, especially by addition: At the end of the game, the judge totaled the points up and declared the winner. We totaled up all the items in our shopping cart to make sure we had enough money.




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