

词组 The Fall
释义 (redirected from The Fall)


1. verb To be arrested for a crime. Can you believe that mob kingpin finally fell?
2. noun One's arrest for a crime. I refuse to take the fall when I was barely involved in this to begin with.


1. in. to be arrested; to be charged with a crime. (see also fall guy.) I heard that Mooshoo fell. Is that right?
2. n. one’s arrest; being arrested and charged. (Underworld.) Who took the fall for the bank job?


1. Nautical To collide. Used of vessels.
2. To clash: fell foul of the law.
  • (as) easy as falling off a log
  • a falling out
  • a reed before the wind lives on(, while mighty oaks do fall)
  • asleep at the switch
  • avoid the trap of (doing something)
  • be (as) easy as falling off (of) a log
  • be falling over (oneself) to (do something)
  • be falling over yourself to do something
  • be heading for a fall
  • be in/go into free fall
  • be riding for a fall
  • be wide of the mark
  • be/fall prey to something
  • be/fall wide of the mark
  • bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
  • bottom drops out, the
  • bottom falls out
  • bread always falls on the buttered side
  • break (one's) fall
  • break fall
  • break one's fall
  • collapse, fall, etc. in/into a heap
  • come to blows
  • come up roses
  • come/fall apart at the seams
  • die/drop/fall like flies
  • drop by the wayside
  • drop into (one's) lap
  • drop into place
  • drop/fall into somebody's lap
  • drunk as a lord
  • easier than falling off a log
  • easy as A, B, C
  • easy as ABC/pie/falling off a log
  • easy as falling off a log
  • easy as pie
  • escape the bear and fall to the lion
  • face falls
  • fall
  • fall (a)foul
  • fall (a)foul of (someone or something)
  • fall (flat) on (one's)/its face
  • fall (squarely) on (someone's) shoulders
  • fall (up)on (someone or something)
  • fall about
  • fall about laughing
  • fall about the place (laughing)
  • fall about with laughter
  • fall all over
  • fall all over (one)
  • fall all over (oneself)
  • fall all over oneself
  • fall apart
  • fall apart at the seams
  • fall asleep
  • fall asleep at the switch
  • fall asleep at the wheel
  • fall at
  • fall at (one's) feet
  • fall at the final hurdle
  • fall at the first hurdle
  • fall at the last hurdle
  • fall away
  • fall away toward
  • fall away toward (something)
  • fall back
  • fall back on
  • fall back on (someone or something)
  • fall behind
  • fall behind in (something)
  • fall behind on (something)
  • fall behind with (something)
  • fall below
  • fall below (something)
  • fall beneath
  • fall beneath (something)
  • fall between
  • fall between (two things)
  • fall between the cracks
  • fall between two stools
  • fall by
  • fall by (some amount)
  • fall by the wayside
  • fall by the wayside, to
  • fall down
  • fall down at (one's) feet
  • fall down on
  • fall down on (someone or something)
  • fall down on the job
  • fall flat
  • fall flat on your face
  • fall for
  • fall for (someone or something)
  • fall for (someone or something) hook, line, and sinker
  • fall for someone hook, line and sinker
  • fall for something hook, line and sinker
  • fall for something/someone, to
  • fall foul of
  • fall foul of sb/sth
  • fall from
  • fall from (something)
  • fall from grace
  • fall from grace, to
  • fall from power
  • fall guy
  • fall head over heels
  • fall head over heels in love
  • fall head over heels in love with (someone)
  • fall heir to
  • fall heir to (something)
  • fall ill
  • fall in
  • fall in line
  • fall in love
  • fall in on
  • fall in on (someone or something)
  • fall in place
  • fall in with
  • fall in with (someone or something)
  • fall in(to)
  • fall in(to) line
  • fall in(to) place
  • fall in(to) the drink
  • fall into
  • fall into (one's) lap
  • fall into (someone or something's) clutches
  • fall into (someone or something's) hands
  • fall into a heap
  • fall into a trap
  • fall into decay
  • fall into depression
  • fall into despair
  • fall into disfavor
  • fall into disgrace
  • fall into disuse
  • fall into error
  • fall into lap
  • fall into line
  • fall into oblivion
  • fall into place
  • fall into sin
  • fall into somebody's hands/the hands of somebody
  • fall into someone's hands
  • fall into someone's lap
  • fall into step
  • fall into the hands of (someone or something)
  • fall into the trap
  • fall into the trap of (doing something)
  • fall into the wrong hands
  • fall into your lap
  • fall into/avoid the trap of doing something
  • fall like dominoes
  • fall like ninepins
  • fall off
  • fall off (one's) perch
  • fall off a lorry
  • fall off a truck
  • fall off the back of a lorry
  • fall off the back of a truck
  • fall off the cabbage truck
  • fall off the map
  • fall off the perch
  • fall off the radar
  • fall off the roof
  • fall off the turnip truck
  • fall off the wagon
  • fall on
  • fall on (one's) feet
  • fall on (one's) knees
  • fall on (one's) sword
  • fall on deaf ears
  • fall on deaf ears, to
  • fall on face
  • fall on hard times
  • fall on knees
  • fall on one's face
  • fall on one's feet
  • fall on one's feet, to
  • fall on one's sword
  • fall on stony ground
  • fall on sword
  • fall on your feet
  • fall on(to) (someone or something)
  • fall out
  • fall out of bed
  • fall out of favor
  • fall out of favor (with one)
  • fall out of favor with (one)
  • fall out of love
  • fall out of love with (someone)
  • fall out with (someone)
  • fall outside
  • fall outside (something)
  • fall over
  • fall over (oneself)
  • fall over (oneself) to (do something)
  • fall over backward
  • fall over backwards
  • fall over oneself
  • fall over yourself
  • fall over yourself to do something
  • fall overboard
  • fall prey to
  • fall prey to (someone or something)
  • fall prey to something
  • fall short
  • fall short (of), to
  • fall short of
  • fall short of (one's) goal
  • fall short of (something)
  • fall short of goal
  • fall short of something
  • fall through
  • fall through the cracks
  • fall through the floor
  • fall to
  • fall to (one's) knees
  • fall to (one's) lot
  • fall to (someone or something)
  • fall to bits
  • fall to pieces
  • fall to someone's lot
  • fall toward
  • fall toward (something)
  • fall under
  • fall under (someone or something)
  • fall under (someone's) spell
  • fall under spell
  • fall under the spell of (someone)
  • fall victim
  • fall wide of the mark
  • fall within
  • fall within (something)
  • fall, drop, etc. into place
  • fall/land on your feet
  • falling down drunk
  • falling-down drunk
  • falling-out
  • free fall
  • go into free fall
  • have a falling out
  • have scales fall from (one's) eyes
  • he that is down need fear no fall
  • head for a fall
  • head over heels (in love), to be/fall
  • in the drink
  • in the gutter
  • land on (one's) feet
  • land on your feet
  • let (something) fall
  • let drop
  • let fall something
  • let the chips fall (where they may)
  • let the chips fall where they may
  • like a ton of bricks
  • like falling off (of) a log
  • nearly fall off (one's) chair
  • nearly fall out of (one's) chair
  • off the wagon
  • on shoulders
  • pratfall
  • pride comes before a fall
  • pride comes before the fall
  • Pride goes before a fall
  • pride goes before the fall
  • pride goeth before a fall
  • pride goeth before the fall
  • reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall
  • ride for a fall
  • ride for a fall, to
  • riding for a fall
  • rise like a rocket (and fall like a stick)
  • sky is falling, the
  • stand or fall by (something)
  • stand or fall by something
  • take a fall
  • take the fall
  • take the fall (for someone or something)
  • take the hit (for someone or something)
  • the apple does not fall far from the tree
  • the apple doesn't fall/never falls far from the tree
  • the apple never falls far from the tree
  • the bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come/are, the harder they fall
  • the bottom drops out of (one's) world
  • the bottom drops out of the market
  • the bottom drops/falls out of somebody's world
  • the bottom drops/falls out of the market
  • the bottom falls out of (one's) world
  • the bottom falls out of something
  • the bottom falls out of the industry
  • the bottom falls out of the market
  • the bottom falls out of your world
  • the curtain falls
  • the curtain falls on (something)
  • the roof caves in
  • the roof falls in
  • the scales fall from somebody's eyes
  • the scales fall from someone's eyes
  • the scales fall from your eyes
  • try a fall with
  • try a fall with (someone)
  • United we stand, divided we fall
  • wide of the mark
  • your face falls




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更新时间:2024/9/22 2:07:04