

词组 the rubber-check
释义 (redirected from the rubber-check)

rubber check

A check that draws upon a bank account which does not have enough funds to cover the amount. The check is called "rubber" because it "bounces" (i.e., it is not honored because of insufficient funds). Primarily heard in US. The man was finally arrested after years of writing rubber checks to businesses all around the country.

rubber check

A check drawn on an account without the funds to pay it, as in He's been handing out rubber checks right and left, but the police have caught up with him . The rubber alludes to the fact that, like rubber, the check "bounces," in this case back from the bank. [Slang; c. 1920]

rubber cheque

a cheque that is returned unpaid. informal humorous
The expression plays on the idea of a cheque that ‘bounces’, or is unpaid because there are insufficient funds in the drawer's account to cover it.

rubber (check)

n. a check that bounces; a forged check. (see also bounce.) The bank says I wrote a rubber check, but I’m sure there was enough money on deposit.




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