

词组 the battle lines have been drawn
释义 (redirected from the battle lines have been drawn)

the battle lines are drawn

The sides of an argument or conflict are clearly distinguished and are ready to argue, battle, etc. Dude, Jenny just endorsed Heather for class president, and Tina is furious. The battle lines are drawn. I don't think anyone is in doubt about who belongs to which faction on the board. The battle lines are drawn, and the next meeting will be war.

the battle lines are drawn

COMMON If the battle lines are drawn between opposing groups or people, they are ready to start fighting or arguing, and it has become clear what the main points of conflict or disagreement will be. The battle lines were drawn yesterday for the fiercest contest in the history of local radio. Battle lines were already being drawn up for a future power struggle.

the battle lines are ˈdrawn

used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in a dispute or contest that is going to begin: The battle lines are being drawn in the fight for control of the company.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 4:34:14