

词组 take a punch at someone
take a punch at someone
to punch or strike at someone. (Informal.)
Mary got so angry at Bob that she took a punch at him.She took a punch at him, but she missed.
(redirected from take a punch at someone)

take a jab at (someone or something)

To make a mocking, sarcastic, insulting remark or criticism at someone's or something's expense. The senator continued taking jabs at his opponent's record throughout the debate. I'm really not trying to take a jab at you. I'm just trying to give you some constructive feedback. I can speak the language very well, but they still can't resist taking a jab at my accent.

take a jab at someone

 and take a punch at someone 
1. to hit at someone; to poke someone. Max took a jab at Lefty and missed. Lefty took a punch at Max.
2. Go to take a dig at someone.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 7:07:14