

词组 take one up to
释义 (redirected from take one up to)

take up to (someone, something, or some place)

1. To carry or deliver something up to some person, place, or thing at a higher level. Tom, would you mind taking this up to the HR department upstairs? We spent the afternoon unloading boxes and taking them up to the apartment.
2. To guide, direct, or escort someone up to some person, place, or thing at a higher level. Hi, you must be Tom. I'll take you up to Ms. Simmons for your interview. Martha, will you please take our guests up to their room?

take something up to someone

to deliver something to a person on a higher level. I will take this up to the boss and try to get it approved. Please take this up to Sue on the next floor and see what she thinks about it.




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