

词组 take the rise out of
释义 (redirected from take the rise out of)

take the rise (out of) (someone or something)

To tease, mock, or ridicule (someone or something); to joke or kid around (about someone or something). Primarily heard in UK, Ireland. If you are so serious that you can't take the rise out of yourself every once in a while, you're going to have a hard time enjoying most of life. It really hurt Steph's feelings to know that the group had been taking the rise out of her that whole time. Brian was a bit of a troublesome student and tended to take the rise whenever class began.

take the rise out of someone/something

If you take the rise out of someone or something, you make fun of them. Note: The reference in these expressions is to a fish rising to the surface of the water to take the bait. She's always taking the rise out of Paul for being so serious.




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