

词组 straighten
to bribe someone US, 1923.
to avenge someone. A part of TEDDY BOY culture UK, 1959.
to produce drug intoxication in someone US, 1958. straighten out a curveto enter a curve driving too fast and leave the road US, 1962
idiomstraightenstraighten up and fly right AmEAmEold-fashioned used in order to tell someone that they should behave better or work harder:You'd better straighten up and fly right, or you'll never graduate.
Note clean up your act is a more modern idiom that means the same thing and can be used in both British and American English.
phrasestraighten[straightened, straightened, straightening]
straighten out 1. straighten out sth/sbstraighten sth/sb out to deal with a problem, disagreement, or confused situation successfully: There were a few technical problems, but I talked to the engineers and we straightened everything out. It was a misunderstanding - I'm sorry I didn't get it straightened out at the time. SIMILAR TO: sort out, deal with2. straighten sb outstraighten out sb to deal with someone's bad behaviour or personal problems: His parents got him a job, hoping that would straighten him out, but he ran away again. I told him that until he got his life straightened out I wasn't going to see him again.straighten yourself out He'd had a drink problem in the past, but he'd managed to straighten himself out. SIMILAR TO: sort out3. straighten outstraighten out sthstraighten sth out to become straight or to make something straight: The road is narrow and very twisty for about a mile and then it straightens out. Sylvia sat down on the bench and straightened out her legs. The application form got crumpled - I tried to straighten it out, but I think I made it worse! SIMILAR TO: straighten
straighten up 1. straighten upstraighten yourself up to stand upright again after bending down, or to make your back completely straight: She bent over to tie her shoes and couldn't straighten up again. Ellie put down the brush, straightened up, and glared at William. Mike straightened himself up and tried to look confident.2. straighten up sthstraighten sth upstraighten up to make a place tidy: Maintenance staff went on strike leaving workers to straighten up their own offices. I made a feeble attempt to straighten things up, tossing clothing into the laundry bag and clearing dishes from the sink. SIMILAR TO: tidy up3. straighten up AmE to begin to behave well after behaving badly: If you don't straighten up, we'll go home right now!

straighten out

1. To make or become straight or aligned in some way. Can you straighten out those picture frames so they all line up? His teeth look a little crooked now, but they may straighten out as he gets older.
2. To resolve, clarify, or organize some confusion, disorder, or misunderstanding. A noun or pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "out." I need to go straighten things out between me and Sandy. The project got so muddled that they had to bring in an outside advisor to straighten it all out. Please straighten out those files before you go.
3. To improve one's or someone else's behavior, attitude, or course in life. A noun or pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "out." He got into a bit of a rut with his drinking for a while, but he's been trying to straighten himself out lately. The bosses decided to have a meeting with Samantha to try to straighten her out. Every teenager goes through a rebellious phase—I'm sure he'll straighten out when he goes to college.

straighten up

1. To organize or clean a messy space; to tidy up. A noun or pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "up." Please straighten up your room before you go. Thanks for straightening up all those magazines&the bookshelf looks great now!
2. To resolve, clarify, or organize some confusion, disorder, or misunderstanding. A noun or pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "up." I need to go straighten things up between me and Sandy. The project got so muddled that they had to bring in an outside advisor to straighten it all up.
3. To improve one's or someone else's behavior, attitude, or course in life. A noun or pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "up." He got into a bit of a rut with his drinking for a while, but he's been trying to straighten himself up lately. The bosses decided to have a meeting with Samantha to try and straighten her up.
4. To improve one's posture. A reflexive pronoun can be used between "straighten" and "up." Stop slouching like that—straighten up! Every so often throughout the day I try to remember to straighten myself up at my desk.

straighten up and fly right

To organize oneself, begin acting in a serious and mature manner, and start performing the way in which others expect of one. If you don't start to straighten up and fly right soon, you're going to be out on your butt looking for a new job! I know you're anxious for your son to straighten up and fly right, but you've got to give it time. The program isn't going to correct his behavior overnight, after all.

straighten out

1. to become straight. The road finally straightened out. The train tracks straightened out on the plain.
2. . to improve one's behavior or attitude. I hope he straightens out before he gets himself into real trouble. Fred had better straighten out soon if he wants to get a job.

straighten someone or something up

1. to put someone or something into an upright position. The fence is tilted. Please straighten that post up when you get a chance. Bill, you're slouching again. Straighten up your back.
2. to tidy up someone or something. John straightened himself up a little before going out for dinner. This room is a mess. Let's straighten up this place, right now!

straighten someone out

1. to make someone's body straight or orderly. The undertaker straightened Sam out in his coffin. Straighten out your body so I can massage your back.
2. . to cause someone to behave better or to have a better attitude; to reform someone. You are terrible. Someone is going to have to straighten you out! The principal straightened out the troublesome boys.
3. to help someone become less confused about something. Can you straighten me out on this matter? I will do what I can to straighten out the office staff on this question.

straighten something out

1. to make something straighter. I can't straighten these heavy boxes out. Please straighten out this line of people.
2. . to bring order to something that is disorderly. See if you can straighten this mess out. Will you straighten out your room, please?

straighten up

1. to sit or stand more straight. Billy's mother told him to straighten up or he'd fall out of his chair. John straightened up so he'd look taller.
2. . to behave better. Bill was acting badly for a while; then he straightened up. Sally, straighten up, or I will punish you!

straighten up and fly right

Fig. to improve one's behavior or attitude and perform better. (Originally referred to an airplane.) If you want to keep out of trouble, you had better straighten up and fly right. Straighten up and fly right or I will send you to the principal.

straighten out

1. Clear up disorder, a confusion, or a misunderstanding, as in This is an awful mess; I hope you'll straighten it out, or I don't understand; please straighten me out. [Late 1800s]
2. Adopt an honest, upright course, as in He's only sixteen; I'm sure he'll straighten out before long. [First half of 1900s]

straighten up

Make tidy, as in Let's get this room straightened up. [Second half of 1800s]

straighten out

1. To extend or smooth something until straight: The reception on my radio was poor, so I straightened out the antenna. I think my arm is broken; I can't straighten it out.
2. To resolve some confusion or conflict: We had to share a room until the hotel could straighten out the mix-up with our bookings. There was confusion among the athletes about the order of the races, so the coach came and straightened it out.
3. To make someone conform to a certain viewpoint or set of principles: We need better rehabilitation programs to straighten out these criminals. If your behavior doesn't improve, we'll have to send you to military school to straighten you out.

straighten up

1. To stand erect: The drill sergeant ordered the recruits to straighten up when they started slouching in formation.
2. To put someone or something in order: I straightened up my bookshelves. The room was starting to look like a disaster zone, so we had to straighten it up. I hired a housekeeper to straighten up around the house once a week. We need to straighten up before your parents arrive.
3. To begin behaving properly: The principal cautioned the students to straighten up or face suspension.

straighten up and fly right

in. to get serious and start behaving properly. Straighten up and fly right before you get into difficulty.




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