

词组 stretch her away
释义 (redirected from stretch her away)

stretch away

1. To extend or expand outward or away (from someone or something). The river suddenly opened up as it joined the ocean and stretched away to the horizon. Just the tip of the massive ice berg was visible, the rest of it stretching away into the fog. Lush green fields stretch away from my grandfather's cabin as far as the eye can see.
2. To extend something outward or away (from someone or something). In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "stretch" and "away." I stretched the phone away from my ear in alarm when she started shouting on the other end. She stretched the animal away from her body to keep it from scratching or biting her.
3. To transport someone away (from or to something) in a stretcher. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stretch" and "away." We stretched the man away to a local medical center to administer some emergency treatment. The last thing I saw was the doctors stretching away your mother to the emergency room.

stretch away (from something)

to extend away from something. A vast plain stretched away from the riverbank. The plain stretched away as far as we could see.




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