释义 | See also CONCLUSION, ENDINGS, QUIT. Break it up! exclam. “Stop it!” (An order to two or more people to stop doing something, such as fighting.)All right you two, break it up!She told the boys to break it up or get sent to the principal's office. Come off it! exclam. “Stop acting arrogantly!”Oh, you're just one of us. Come off it!Come off it, Tiff. You're not the Queen of England. cut tr. to eliminate something; to stop (doing something).OK, chum, cut the clowning.Cut that noise! Not another peep out of you. Cut it out! exclam. “Stop it!”That's enough! Cut it out!Get your hands off me! Cut it out! Cut the comedy! exclam. “Get serious!”; “Stop acting silly!”That's enough, you guys. Cut the comedy!Cut the comedy and get to work! Cut the crap! exclam. “Stop the nonsense!”I've heard enough. Cut the crap!Cut the crap. Talk straight or get out. Give it up! exclam. “Quit now!”; “Enough is enough!”Oh, give it up! You can't do it right.Give it up! You can't pitch! Give me a rest! exclam. “Lay off!”; “That is enough!”Haven't I told you everything you need to know? Give me a rest.Give me a rest! I've heard enough. Hold everything! exclam. “Stop everything!”Hold everything! I forgot my wallet.Hold everything! My door isn't closed. Hold it! exclam. “Stop right there!”Hold it! Stop!That's enough! Hold it! Hold it, Buster! exclam. “Stop that, mister!” (Sometimes said by women in repulsing an arduous male.)Hold it, Buster! Who do you think you are?Hold it, Buster! Who do you think I am? Keep your hands to yourself. sent. “Don't poke or hit other children.” (Said to a child.)Jimmy! Leave him alone and keep your hands to yourself.Keep your hands to yourself when you go to school. kibosh tr. to end something; to squelch something.Please don't try to kibosh the scheme this time.Fred kiboshed our plan. kill tr. to stop or terminate something; to quash a story; to stop a story from being printed in a newspaper.Kill that story. It's got too many errors.This issue has gone to press. Too late to kill it. put the kibosh on something tr. to squelch something.The mayor put the kibosh on the whole deal.Tom was starting his presentation when Bob put the kibosh on the plan. scrub tr. to cancel something.We had to scrub the whole plan because of the weather.The manager scrubbed the party because people wouldn't cooperate. stop on a dime in. to stop immediately.This thing will stop on a dime.Imagine a bus that could stop on a dime. Stop the music! exclam. “Stop!”; “Stop whatever is happening!” (From an old radio game show called “Stop the Music!”)Stop the music! I have an announcement.“Stop the music!” hollered the conductor, making a little joke. Whoa! exclam. “Stop!” (Said to a horse or any person or thing.)You've gone about far enough. Whoa!Whoa, you've gone about far enough. |
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