

词组 mouthed
释义 (redirected from mouthed)


1. A tendency to speak brashly or inappropriately. TImmy's got a bit of a mouth on him, so he's always getting into trouble at school.
2. A criminal lawyer. If your mouth isn't there, they'll definitely try to get incriminating information out of you.

a mouth

1. n. a hangover. I’ve got quite a mouth this morning. I guess I overdid it.
2.  Go to mouth(piece).


See mouthpiece
  • (Do) you eat with that mouth?
  • (Do) you kiss your mama with that mouth?
  • (Do) you kiss your momma with that mouth?
  • (from) hand to mouth
  • (one's) heart is in (one's) mouth
  • (straight) from the horse's mouth
  • a bad taste in (one's)/the mouth
  • a bad taste in the mouth
  • a big mouth
  • a closed mouth gathers no feet
  • a motor mouth
  • a mouth
  • a mouth full of South
  • a plum in (one's) mouth
  • a plum in your mouth
  • a shut mouth catches no flies
  • all mouth and no trousers
  • all mouth and trousers
  • bad mouth
  • bad-mouth
  • be a loud mouth
  • be all mouth
  • be born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth
  • be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
  • be down in the mouth
  • be laughing on the other side of your face
  • be laughing out of the other side of (one's) mouth
  • be speaking out of both sides of (one's) mouth
  • be talking out of both sides of (one's) mouth
  • big mouth
  • big mouth, have a
  • born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth
  • born with a silver spoon in his or her mouth
  • born with a silver spoon in mouth
  • born with a silver spoon in your mouth
  • butter wouldn't melt (in (one's) mouth)
  • butter wouldn't melt (in his/her mouth), looks as if
  • butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
  • butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth
  • button up
  • by word of mouth
  • diarrhea of the mouth
  • dirty-mouth
  • Do you eat with that mouth?
  • Do you kiss your momma with that mouth?
  • don't look a gift horse in the mouth
  • down at the mouth
  • down in the dumps
  • down in the mouth
  • feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth
  • foam at the mouth
  • foam at the mouth, to
  • foot in one's mouth, put one's
  • foot-in-mouth disease
  • foul mouth
  • foul-mouthed
  • from the horse's mouth
  • from the horse's mouth, straight
  • froth at the mouth
  • garbage mouth
  • gaze open-mouthed
  • get (something) straight from the horse's mouth
  • get straight from the horse's mouth
  • hand to mouth
  • hand to mouth, exist/live from
  • hand to mouth, from
  • hand-to-mouth
  • have (one's) heart in (one's) mouth
  • have a big mouth
  • have a loud mouth
  • have a plum in (one's) mouth
  • have a plum in your mouth
  • have heart in mouth
  • have the mouth of a sailor
  • have your heart in your mouth
  • heart in one's mouth, have one's
  • heart in one's mouth, to have one's
  • hold mouth the right way
  • honey-mouthed
  • hush (one's) mouth
  • Hush your mouth!
  • jungle mouth
  • keep (one's) mouth shut
  • keep mouth shut
  • keep one's mouth shut
  • Keep your mouth shut
  • laugh on the other side of (one's) mouth
  • laugh out (of) the other side of (one's) mouth
  • laugh out of the other side of mouth
  • laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
  • laugh out of the other side of your face/mouth, you'll/to
  • leave a bad taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave a bad taste in mouth
  • leave a bad taste in one's mouth
  • leave a bad taste in the mouth
  • leave a bad taste in your mouth
  • leave a bad/nasty taste in the/your mouth
  • leave a nasty taste in (one's) mouth
  • leave a nasty taste in the mouth
  • leave a sour taste in (one's) mouth
  • live from hand to mouth
  • live hand to mouth
  • look a gift horse in the mouth
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in (one's) mouth
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in mouth
  • look as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth
  • loud mouth
  • loud-mouthed
  • make (one's) mouth water
  • make mouth water
  • make one's mouth water
  • make one's mouth water, to
  • make somebody's mouth water
  • make someone's mouth water
  • make your mouth water
  • me and my big mouth
  • mealy-mouthed
  • melt in (one's)/the mouth
  • melt in mouth
  • melt in one's mouth
  • melt in the mouth
  • melt in your mouth
  • motor-mouth
  • mouth
  • mouth breather
  • mouth full of South
  • mouth of a sailor
  • mouth off
  • mouth on
  • mouth on (one)
  • mouth to feed
  • mouth-breather
  • mouth-breathing
  • mouthpiece
  • mouth-watering
  • mushmouth
  • never look a gift horse in the mouth
  • not open (one's) mouth
  • not open mouth
  • not open one's mouth
  • one's heart is in mouth
  • open (one's) big mouth
  • open (one's) mouth
  • open your mouth
  • out of the mouths of babes
  • poor-mouth
  • potty mouth
  • put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth
  • put (one's) head in the lion's mouth
  • put (one's) head in the wolf's mouth
  • put (one's) money where (one's) mouth is
  • put foot in mouth
  • put money where mouth is
  • put one's foot in it/one's mouth, to
  • put one's money where one's mouth is
  • put one's money where one's mouth is, to
  • put the mouth on (someone or something)
  • put the mouth on someone
  • put words in (one's) mouth
  • put words in mouth
  • put words in someone's mouth
  • put words in/into somebody's mouth
  • put words into (one's) mouth
  • put words into someone's mouth
  • put words into someone's mouth, to
  • put your foot in it
  • put your head in the lion's mouth
  • put your head into the lion's mouth
  • put your money where your mouth is
  • Put your money where your mouth is!
  • ratchet mouth
  • ratchet-mouth
  • rinse (one's) mouth out (with soap)
  • rinse mouth out
  • run (one's) mouth
  • run off at the mouth
  • run off at the mouth, to
  • sewer mouth
  • shoot (one's) mouth off
  • shoot mouth off
  • shoot off (one's) mouth
  • shoot off at the mouth
  • shoot off mouth
  • shoot off one's mouth
  • shoot one’s mouth off
  • shoot your mouth off
  • shut (one's) mouth
  • shut somebody's mouth
  • Shut your face!
  • shut your mouth
  • Shut your mouth!
  • shut your mouth/trap/face/gob!
  • smart mouth
  • smart-mouth (someone)
  • speak out of both sides of (one's) mouth
  • speak out of both sides of your mouth
  • speak with a plum in (one's) mouth
  • stop (one's) mouth
  • stop someone's mouth
  • straight from the horse’s mouth
  • take the bit in (one's) mouth
  • take the bit in one's mouth
  • take the bread out from people's mouths
  • take the bread out of (one's) mouth
  • take the bread out of people's mouths
  • take the bread out of someone's mouth
  • take the words out of (one's) mouth
  • take the words out of mouth
  • take the words out of somebody's mouth
  • take the words out of someone's mouth
  • talk out of both sides of (one's) mouth
  • the horse's mouth
  • the lion's mouth
  • toilet mouth
  • took the words right out of my mouth
  • trash mouth
  • trench mouth
  • turn to ashes in (one's) mouth
  • turn to ashes in your mouth
  • wash (someone's) mouth out (with soap)
  • wash your mouth out
  • watch (one's) mouth
  • Watch your mouth!
  • watch your mouth/tongue
  • Well, shut my mouth!
  • Well, wash my mouth out with soap
  • word of mouth
  • word of mouth, by
  • words right out of one's mouth, to take
  • you eat with that mouth?
  • you kiss your momma with that mouth?
  • You kiss your mother with that mouth?
  • your heart is in your mouth




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更新时间:2024/9/21 22:37:18