

词组 fluxing
释义 (redirected from fluxing)

in flux

Apt to change or fluctuate; prone to instability. Well, all of our vacation plans are in flux now that Sheila's broken her ankle.

in a (constant) state of flux

Apt to change or fluctuate; prone to instability. A: "No, their wedding plans are in a constant state of flux." B: "Wow, I wonder if they'll actually make it down the aisle." Well, all of our vacation plans are in a state of flux now that Sheila's broken her ankle.

in flux

 and in a (constant) state of flux
in constant change; ever-changing. I can't describe my job because it's in a constant state afflux. The price of gold is influx.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 16:46:33