

词组 passion

passion pit

dated slang A place, especially a drive-in movie theater, where many young people come together on dates or romantic outings, so called because of the tendency for physical intimacy to occur there. A: "Let's go out this weekend." B: "OK, let's see what's playing at the passion pit." There's this passion pit a little ways up in the mountains where high schoolers and college kids park their cars and hook up.

have a passion for (something)

To have a very strong interest in something. Rich has a real passion for photography—you should see some of the cool, artsy shots he took at the concert. Paulina's always had a passion for languages, so I'm not surprised that she's learning Italian now.

have a passion for someone or something

Fig. to have a strong feeling of need or desire for someone, something, or some activity. Mary has a great passion for chocolate. John has a passion for fishing, so he fishes as often as he can.


n. a drive-in movie theater; any place where young people go to neck, such as an area where teenagers park. (Dated but still heard.) She wanted me to drive down to the passion-pit, but I said I had a headache.




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