

词组 moon about
Phr V
moon about
moons, mooning, mooned
moon about/around (swh)
informal to spend your time in a lazy way doing very little, often because you are unhappy
He spent the whole weekend just mooning about at home.

moon about

1. To waste time idly, languidly, or aimlessly (in some place); to loiter or loaf around (some place). She's always been an introspective child, preferring to just moon about and contemplate the world rather than playing with other kids. Quit mooning around the house like that—go play outside or something!
2. To desire, yearn for, or grieve over someone or something so intensely that one becomes depressed or melancholy. You can't just sit here mooning about your ex-boyfriend. It's over—you need to get out there and live your life as a single guy! She's been mooning about traveling to Japan since she was in high school.

moon about someone or something

 and moon over someone or something
Fig. to pine or grieve about someone or something. Stop mooning about your cat. Cats always come back eventually. Jill is still mooning over Robert.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 17:24:43