

词组 chuckler
释义 (redirected from chuckler)

chuckle about (someone or something)

To laugh about someone or something. I was still chuckling about that scene in the movie the next day. Are you guys chuckling about how I just tripped up the steps?

chuckle with (a particular quality)

To laugh in a particular manner. I couldn't help but chuckle with delight when I saw the little girl feed her ice cream cone to her dog.

chuckle about someone or something

 and chuckle over someone or something
to giggle about someone or something. I had to chuckle about Wally and his story about that broken-down old car. We chuckled over how angry Jed was.

chuckle with something

 and chortle with something
to giggle in some manner because one is gleeful or happy. He chuckled with unsuppressed mirth at the antics of the strangely dressed people. Sally chortled with glee at the thought of Ken slipping on the ice.




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