

词组 have straight
释义 (redirected from have straight)

get straight

To stop taking a drug. If you don't get straight, these drugs could end up killing you.

get something straight

Fig. to understand something clearly. Now get this straight. You're going to fail history. Let me get this straight. I'm supposed to go there in the morning?

get straight

Also, have straight. Understand correctly or make something clear, as in Now let's get it straight-you'll take over at four, or Do I have it straight about when you're leaving? This expression uses straight in the sense of "in proper order" or "not confused." [c. 1920]

get something ˈright/ˈstraight

understand something clearly and correctly: Have I got this right? You want me to jump off the bridge and onto a moving train? Never!Let’s get one thing straight. I’m the boss and I tell you what to do.

get straight

and get right
in. to take a dose of a drug to end drug craving. (Drugs.) You’ll never get straight if you keep smoking that stuff. I need to get right before anything else.




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