

词组 flavory
释义 (redirected from flavory)

flavor of the week

Something temporary. The phrase is often used to describe fleeting romantic relationships. I wouldn't get too attached to Katie, she's just Ralph's flavor of the week—they'll break up in no time. You change majors all the time, and Biology is just the flavor of the week, trust me!

flavor of the month

Something temporary. The phrase is often used to describe fleeting romantic relationships. I wouldn't get too attached to Katie, she's just Ralph's flavor of the month—they'll break up in no time. You change majors all the time, and biology is just the flavor of the month, trust me!

flavor (something) with (something)

To add something, such as a spice or an herb, to a dish to enhance or improve its flavor. I'm begging you, please don't flavor the guacamole with cilantro—I hate the taste of it. My Italian relatives love to flavor everything with garlic.

all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor

slang Involving oneself in something one knows little or nothing about. You weren't there, so would you quit commenting on my fight with Sue? You're all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor!

all in the Kool-Aid but don't know the flavor

slang Involving oneself in something one knows little or nothing about. You weren't there, so would you quit commenting on my fight with Sue? You're all in the Kool-Aid but don't know the flavor!

flavor food with something

to season a food with something. He flavors his gravy with a little sage. Can you flavor the soup with a little less pepper next time?

flavor of the month

A briefly prominent or popular person, product, or trend. The term originated in the 1930s in the ice cream industry, where a particular flavor of ice cream was promoted each month. Since the late 1900s, it has been used ironically to comment on a short-lived success of some kind. For example, “Their new album is the flavor of the month, but I doubt that it’ll survive.”




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