

词组 slams down
释义 (redirected from slams down)

slam down

To eat or drink something very hastily or voraciously. A noun or pronoun can be used between "slam" and "down." Don't just slam your food down like that—take a moment to actually enjoy what you're eating! I slammed down the burger so I could get back on the road straight away. It's no wonder you have such a bad hangover from the way you were slamming drinks down last night.

slam someone or something down

to drive or strike someone or something downward. The wrestler slammed his opponent down hard. He slammed down his opponent and injured him.

slam something down (on something)

 and slam something down (onto something)
to bang something down onto something. She slammed her fist down on the table in anger. Karen slammed down her fist onto the table.

slam down

To put something down forcefully so as to produce a loud noise: I got angry and slammed down the phone. The teacher slammed a book down to get the students' attention.




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