

词组 sawer
释义 (redirected from sawer)

saw something (up) (into something)

to cut something up into pieces with a saw. Jake sawed the logs up into pieces the right size for the fireplace. Would you saw up the logs into smaller pieces?
  • against the grain
  • could fight a circle-saw
  • could fight a circle-saw (and it a runnin')
  • double saw
  • double sawbuck
  • first see the light of day
  • hit the sawdust trail
  • I see what you did there
  • old saw
  • saw
  • saw (something) off of (something)
  • saw down
  • saw into
  • saw off
  • saw through
  • saw wood
  • sawed
  • sawed off
  • sawed-off
  • see (one) across (something or some place)
  • see (one) back (to something or some place)
  • see (one) coming
  • see (one) down (to something or some place)
  • see (one) for what (one) (really) is
  • see (one) home
  • see (one) in hell first
  • see (one) in the flesh
  • see (one) right
  • see (one) through
  • see (one) to (some place)
  • see (one) up to (some place)
  • see (someone or something) in a new light
  • see (someone's) point
  • see (something) a mile off
  • see (something) against (something else)
  • see (something) coming
  • see (something) out
  • see (something) through
  • see (something) through rose-colored glasses
  • see (something) through rose-coloured spectacles
  • see (the) red mist
  • see (to it) that (something happens)
  • see a lot of (one)
  • see a man about a dog
  • see a man about a horse
  • see about (something)
  • see after (someone or something)
  • see ahead
  • see around
  • see as (something)
  • see beyond (someone or something)
  • see daylight
  • see double
  • see eye to eye
  • see fit (to do something)
  • see for (oneself)
  • see how the land lies
  • see how the wind blows
  • see how the wind is blowing
  • see in
  • see into
  • see it coming
  • see no further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
  • see no objection
  • see over (someone or something)
  • see pink elephants
  • see pink spiders
  • see reason
  • see red
  • see sense
  • see service
  • see snakes
  • see stars
  • see that it is done
  • see the (hand)writing on the wall
  • see the color of (one's) money
  • see the elephant
  • see the error of (one's) ways
  • see the funny side (of something)
  • see the glass as half empty
  • see the glass as half full
  • see the light
  • see the light at the end of the tunnel
  • see the light of day
  • see the point in (doing) (something)
  • see the sights
  • see the world
  • see things
  • see through (someone or something)
  • see to (someone or something)
  • see which way the cat jumps
  • see which way the wind blows
  • see which way the wind is blowing
  • see with half an eye




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