

词组 checks off
释义 (redirected from checks off)

check off

To mark someone or something as present, verified, or completed, as on a list. A noun or pronoun can be used between "check" and "off." Checking things off my to-do list is so satisfying. Please check off each step as you do it. Don't worry, I checked you off when I took attendance.

check someone or something off

to mark or cross out the name of a person or thing on a list. I am glad to see that you were able to come. I will check you off. I checked the items off. I checked off the recent arrivals.

check off

Mark as entered, or examined and passed, as in He checked off their names as they arrived. [Early 1800s]

check off

To put a check mark on or next to some item on a list to indicate that it has been reviewed or completed: Don't forget to check off the task after you have completed it. As I put the groceries in the cart, I checked them off on my list.




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