

词组 frighten you away
释义 (redirected from frighten you away)

frighten away

To scare a person or an animal away from a particular place or thing. A noun or pronoun can be used between "frighten" and "away." Can you guys quit screaming at each other in the middle of the department? You're going to frighten away my 2 o'clock interview! I can do basic car repairs, but a major one like that would frighten me away, honestly. He shot his rifle in the air to frighten away the wolves.

frighten someone or something away

 and frighten someone or something off
to scare someone or something off. The noise frightened the burglar away. Something frightened away the prowlers. The high prices frightened the shoppers off.

frighten away

or frighten off
To cause someone or something to leave or to stay away due to fear: The sound of my shotgun frightened the crows away. The alarm frightened away the burglar. The big dog frightens off unwanted guests. The scary-looking house frightened neighborhood children off.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 13:35:39