

词组 after his own heart
释义 (redirected from after his own heart)

after (one's) own heart

Sharing similar values, ideas, or interests. Michelle is very tech-savvy and loves to code—just like me! She's a woman after my own heart.

after one's own heart

To one's own personal liking, as in He's very patient with the slower pupils; he's a teacher after my own heart. This idiom appears in the King James Bible of 1611 (I Samuel 13:14). [Late 1500s]

after your own heart

of the type that you like or understand best; sharing your tastes.
1988 Sebastian Barry Boss Grady's Boys He took away every year I had to give a man, and then took away himself for good measure. He was a man after my own heart so I will not blame him.

after one's own heart

Precisely to one’s liking. Considered a cliché since the late nineteenth century, this phrase appears in the Old Testament’s first Book of Samuel (13:14): “The Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people.”




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