

词组 reached
释义 (redirected from reached)

reach someone

1. Lit. to travel up to or as far as someone. Iran until I reached her just in time to save her from going over the cliff.
2. Fig. to manage to be understood by someone; to have one's message appreciated by someone. If we could only reach them with our message, we might be able to convince them to stay in school.
  • aim for the sky
  • Aim for the stars!
  • arrive at a decision
  • beyond reach
  • boarding house reach
  • boardinghouse reach
  • bottom
  • come to (one's) ears
  • come to a dead end
  • come to a pretty pass
  • come to/reach somebody's ears
  • feel for
  • get to first base
  • hit rock bottom
  • hit/reach rock bottom
  • in a body
  • in reach
  • in the nick of time
  • out of reach
  • reach
  • reach (a) boiling point
  • reach (one's) ears
  • reach (one's) stride
  • reach (rock) bottom
  • reach (some place) in a body
  • reach a compromise
  • reach a conclusion
  • reach a decision
  • reach a pretty pass
  • reach an accord
  • reach an agreement
  • reach an impasse
  • reach an understanding
  • reach an understanding with
  • reach back into (some point in time)
  • reach back to
  • reach back to (some point in time)
  • reach boiling point
  • reach down
  • reach first base
  • reach for
  • reach for (someone or something)
  • reach for the moon
  • reach for the sky
  • reach for the stars
  • reach in
  • reach into (something)
  • reach out
  • reach out for (something)
  • reach out into
  • reach out into (something)
  • reach out to
  • reach out to (one)
  • reach speeds of
  • reach speeds of (up to) (some amount)
  • reach stride
  • reach to
  • reach to (someone or something)
  • reach toward
  • reach toward (someone or something)
  • reach up to
  • reach up to (someone or something)
  • stretch your arm no further than your sleeve (will reach)
  • stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach
  • turning point
  • within arm's reach
  • within reach




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:07:06