

词组 find
findfind (yourself)
to discover your particular abilities and interests.
Only after she became an actress did she find herself.
phrasefind[found, found, finding]
find against
find against sb formal if a judge, court etc finds against someone, they decide that the person has lost their case: If the judge finds against him, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail. OPPOSITE: find for
find for
find for sb formal if a judge, court etc finds for someone, they decide that the person has won their case: Judge Hayes found for the defendant and ordered that he should be released immediately. OPPOSITE: find against
find out 1. find outfind out sthfind sth out not passive to get information about something, either by chance or by asking questions, looking in books etc: I don't know who wrote the song, but I'll try and find out. Don phoned the hospital to find out the result of his test. Teachers should encourage kids to find things out for themselves.+ what/where/why etc Dad was really mad at me when he found out where I'd been. Can you find out exactly what time the film starts?+ if Find out if there's anyone here who speaks English.+ that You'll be in trouble if anybody find out about this2. find sb out usually passive to discover that someone has done something wrong or illegal: The only thing that made him stop cheating was his fear of being found out. Brendan knew she would always find him out if he tried to lie to her. SIMILAR TO: rumble BrE informal

find (oneself)

1. To discover and pursue one's true and inherent character, passion, skill, or vocation. I know you're unhappy in your job, so I think you should take some time off to really find yourself. Many students leave college and realize that they still have yet to find themselves.
2. To discover, recognize, or realize one's location, thoughts, or sentiments. Lost in a deep reverie, I suddenly found myself in a neighborhood I didn't recognize. I find myself inclined to agree with the professor's assessment.


(something) out the hard way Go to learn (something) the hard way.


(something) out (about someone or something) (from someone or something) to learn something about someone or something from someone or something. What did you find out about Terry from Mr. Franklin? I didn't find anything out about Roger from the newspaper stories. I found out what I wanted to know about solar flares from the encyclopedia. What did you find out about Bill?


oneself Fig. to discover what one's talents and preferences are. Bill did better in school after he found himself. John tried a number of different jobs. He finally found himself when he became a cook.
  • A good man is hard to find.
  • barn find
  • be like trying to find a needle in a haystack
  • bit off
  • busiest men have the most leisure
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands
  • can’t find one’s butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands
  • can't find (one's) butt with both hands in broad daylight
  • can't find butt with both hands
  • couldn't find (one's) way out of a paper bag
  • devil finds work for idle hands to do
  • enclosed please find (something)
  • enclosed please find...
  • even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while
  • find
  • find (one) guilty
  • find (one) in
  • find (one) innocent
  • find (one) not guilty
  • find (one) with (one's) fingers in the till
  • find (one) with (one's) hand in the till
  • find (one's) (own) level
  • find (one's) bearings
  • find (one's) calling
  • find (one's) feet
  • find (one's) match
  • find (one's) tongue
  • find (one's) voice
  • find (one's)/its way
  • find (oneself)
  • find (oneself) in the market for (something)
  • find (oneself) with (something)
  • find (oneself) without (someone or something)
  • find (someone or something) out
  • find (something) out the hard way
  • find (something) wanting
  • find a happy medium
  • find a way around
  • find a/(one's) way around (someone or something)
  • find against
  • find against (someone or something)
  • find common ground
  • find fault
  • find fault with (someone or something)
  • find favor with
  • find favor with (one)
  • find feet
  • find for
  • find for (someone or something)
  • find God
  • find guilty
  • find in
  • find it in (one's) heart to (do something)
  • find it in (oneself) (to do something)
  • find it in heart
  • find it in one's heart
  • find it in one's heart, (not) to
  • find it in your heart to do something
  • find its way somewhere
  • find one's way
  • find oneself
  • find oneself in the market
  • find oneself with
  • find oneself without
  • find out
  • find out a thing or two
  • find out a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • find out how the land lies
  • find own level
  • find the net
  • find the root of the problem
  • find the time
  • find tongue
  • find true north
  • find way
  • find way around
  • find your feet
  • find your tongue
  • find your voice/tongue
  • find your/its way
  • find/get your bearings
  • find/meet your match
  • get (one's) bearings
  • get one's bearings
  • Good men are scarce
  • hide nor hair
  • in a bind
  • in a jam
  • in mint condition
  • in the doghouse
  • in the market
  • in the public eye
  • it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
  • Keep a thing seven years and you'll find a use for it
  • learn the hard way
  • like looking for a needle in a haystack
  • like looking for/trying to find a needle in a haystack
  • love will (always) find a way
  • Love will find a way
  • meet (one's) match
  • root of the problem
  • scratch (something) and you'll find (something else)
  • scratch A and you'll find B
  • scratch and find
  • Seek and ye shall find
  • speak as (one) finds
  • speak as you find
  • strike a happy medium
  • take (someone) as (one) finds them
  • take somebody as you find them
  • the devil finds work for idle hands
  • the devil finds work for idle hands to do
  • Where will I find you?




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更新时间:2024/9/22 4:01:44