

词组 finally
释义 (redirected from finally)

fall at the final hurdle

To fail to accomplish some task or goal at the very end of the attempt. Negotiations between the two warring countries fell at the final hurdle due to disagreements over cross-border taxation.

final cut

The completed and finalized edited version of a film, as authorized by its director and producer. We finished shooting last week, but it will likely be another several months before we're ready with the final cut.

final nail in the coffin

An event, decision, action, etc., that seals, confirms, or ultimately leads to the failure of a situation or event that has already begun to fail. The candidate's uncouth comments toward the lower class were the final nail in the coffin of an already foundering campaign.

the Final Solution

The Nazi program of annihilating all Jews in Europe during the reign of the Third Reich, an act of mass genocide that led to the murder of more than six million Jews. My great-grandfather was one of only a few Jews in his city to survive the Final Solution in Germany during World War II.

(one's) final resting place

The location where one's body is interred after death. After I die, I want my ashes to be buried with the seed of an oak, so that instead of a headstone, I might have a new, living tree mark my final resting place.

final hurrah

A last action before one ceases to do something. It's so good to see all of you at this meeting, my final hurrah before retirement. But this performance is your final hurrah before graduation—you have to do it!

in the final analysis

When everything has been considered; when all the facts are known or the truth has come to light. In the final analysis, it is the lowest earners in society who have been worst hit by this economic downturn. Rebarbative though he may be, in the final analysis, his dismissal comes down to his incompetency at the job.

have the final word

1. To say the final words in an argument or discussion, especially ones that decisively or conclusively end it. The whole meeting just descended into chaos as everyone tried to have the final word. David is so smug and always has to have the final word in every debate.
2. To have the authority to decide how something ultimately happens or is done. As the editor in chief, I have the final word on the layout design for every issue.

the final curtain

The end or the final part, especially after a lengthy existence. I'm afraid that after 50 years in business, this is the final curtain.

the final straw

The last in a series of negative actions or events that makes the situation no longer tolerable. I'm already fed up with your lazy, selfish behavior, Jim, but if you can't be bothered to come with me to my own mother's funeral, well that will be the final straw!

have the final say

1. To say the final words in an argument or discussion, especially ones that decisively or conclusively end it. The whole meeting just descended into chaos as everyone tried to have the final say. David is so smug and always has to have the final say in every debate.
2. To have the authority to decide how something ultimately happens or is done. As the editor in chief, I have the final say on the layout design for every issue.

be the final straw

To be the last in a series of negative actions or events that makes the situation no longer tolerable. I'm already fed up with your lazy, selfish behavior, Jim, but if you can't be bothered to come with me to my own mother's funeral, well that will be the final straw!

be the last straw

To be the last in a series of negative actions or events that makes the situation no longer tolerable. I'm already fed up with your lazy, selfish behavior, Jim, but if you can't be bothered to come with me to my own mother's funeral, well that will be the last straw!

the last straw

The final problem, setback, or source of irritation in a series that causes one to finally lose patience or for something to stop working. A shortening of the proverb "it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back." I've been a good sport about letting Tom share the credit for my work, but this is the last straw! I'm finally going to expose him for the liar he is. OK, that's the last straw, kids! I told you to stop shouting back there, and now I'm turning this car around.

the last word

1. The final words in an argument or discussion, especially one that decisively or conclusively ends it. Everyone started shouting, trying to get in the last word, and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.
2. The most recent, modern, or advanced version of something. Typically followed by "in (something)." It may not look like much, but I can assure you that this machine is the last word in neural imaging.

final call

The very last opportunity to do or order something. The bartender is doing final call—do you want another drink? This is the final call for flight 408 to New Jersey. Any passengers not already on board please report to terminal three immediately.

final will and testament

The final form of one's legal will, which dictates what is to be done with one's estate upon death. We were all shocked to find out that John had been left out of Dad's final will and testament. According to her final will and testament, half of her fortune is to be donated to charity.

one final thing

The last comment or criticism one has to say (about someone or something). I just have one final thing I'd like to add about your proposal that I think would improve things greatly. One final thing, Tom—if you ever try something like that again, I'll make sure you never work in this industry again.

one final word

The last comment or criticism one has to say (about something or to someone). I just have one final word about your proposal that I think would improve things greatly. One final word, Tom—if you ever try something like that again, I'll make sure you never work in this industry again.

final fling

One last particularly fun time before a dramatic change occurs in one's life, such as a marriage or the birth of a child. Come on, you need a final fling before your wedding—let's go to Vegas for the weekend!

final fling

Fig. the last act or period of enjoyment before a change in one's circumstances or lifestyle. You might as well have a final fling before the baby's born. Mary's going out with her girlfriends for a final fling. She's getting married next week.

in the final analysis

 and in the last analysis
in truth; when all the facts are known; when the truth becomes known. (Usually used when someone is speculating about what the final outcome will be.) In the final analysis, it is usually the children who suffer most in a situation like this. In the last analysis, you simply do not want to do as you are told!

*last word

 and *final word; *final say
Fig. the final point (in an argument); the final decision (in some matter). (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give some one ~.) The boss gets the last word in hiring. Why do you always have to have the final word in an argument?

one final word

 and one final thing
Fig. a phrase introducing a parting comment or the last item in a list. John: One final word—keep your chin up. Mary: Good advice! And one final thing, don't haul around a lot of expensive camera stuff. It just tells the thieves who to rob.

in the final analysis

Also, in the last analysis. When all things are considered. For example, In the final analysis we must find ways to improve our sales, or I can, in the last analysis, talk only about my own work. This expression was at first put as in the ultimate analysis. [Late 1700s]

the last straw


the final straw

COMMON If you say that something is the last straw or the final straw, you mean it is the latest in a series of bad events, and it makes you unable to deal with a situation any longer. An increase in mortgage rates could be the last straw for thousands of borrowers. The relationship had been in trouble for a while and Jack's behaviour that night was just the final straw. Compare with the straw that breaks the camel's back.

the last word


the final word

COMMON If someone has the last word or the final word in a discussion or argument, they are the one who wins it or who makes the final decision. She does like to have the last word in any discussion. The final word will come from the Secretary of State.

in the final analysis

when everything has been considered (used to suggest that the following statement expresses the basic truth about a complex situation).

the last (or final) straw

a further difficulty or annoyance, typically minor in itself but coming on top of a whole series of difficulties, that makes a situation unbearable.
The full version of this is the proverb the last straw breaks the camel's back . The modern form is traceable to Charles Dickens in Dombey and Son ( 1848 ), but earlier versions are recorded, including a mid 17th-century reference to the last feather breaking a horse's back .

in the ˌlast/ˌfinal aˈnalysis

used to say what is most important after everything has been discussed or considered: In the final analysis, humour is a matter of individual interpretation.

the ˌlast ˈword (in something)

the most recent, most fashionable, etc. of its type: They say that this new car is the last word in luxury.This is the last word in computer technology.

be the last/final ˈstraw

(also be the ˌstraw that breaks the camel’s ˈback) be the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer: I’ve had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw, I can’t take any more.

your/the last/final ˈword (on/about something)

your, etc. final decision or statement about something: ‘Will you take £900?’ ‘No, £1 000 and that’s my last word.’Is that your final word on the matter?


/last straw
The final annoyance or setback, which even though minor makes one no longer able to endure something.




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