

词组 have had one's day
释义 (redirected from have had one's day)

have had its/(one's) day

To be past the highest point of success or potential in life. My father has had his day. Now, it's time he let his children take over the family business. It often seems that letter writing has had its day.

have had its day

to be no longer useful or successful. Streetcars have had their day in most American cities. Some people think that the fountain pen has had its day, but others prefer it to other kinds of pens.

had its day, has

Is no longer useful or popular or successful, as in Some people think the railroad has had its day. This expression is the antonym of have its (or one's) day, meaning "to experience success or prosperity," as in Every dog has its day, a proverb dating from the 16th century. Both terms use day in the sense of "a propitious or opportune time."

have had your day

COMMON If someone or something has had their day, the period during which they were most successful has now passed. In Hollywood, there were still loyal supporters, but the general feeling was that he had had his day. Has radio had its day or is the golden age still to come?

have had your (or its) day

be no longer popular, successful, or influential.

have had your/its ˈday

no longer be as successful, powerful, etc. as you once were/it once was: He used to be one of the world’s top soccer players but now, I’m afraid, he’s had his day.




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