

词组 filching
释义 (redirected from filching)

filch (something)

To steal something. Relax, I just filched a little toy from the store—no one will ever know. Once Molly got arrested for shoplifting, that taught her to stop filching things.

filch (something) from (someone or something)

To steal something from someone. Relax, I just filched a little toy from the store—no one will ever know. Hey, quit filching money from Mom—she's going to notice if all of her cash is suddenly gone!

filch something (from someone)

Sl. to grab or steal something from someone. The young boy filched a candy bar from the store. Who filched my wallet from me?

filch something (from someone/something)

tv. to grab or steal something from someone. Who filched my wallet from me?

filch something

See filch something from someone/something




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