

词组 kick the hell out of him
释义 (redirected from kick the hell out of him)

kick the hell out of (one)

1. To physically attack one, as with punches and other blows, such that they suffer significant injury. This phrase can be used both literally and hyperbolically. Our neighbor is in the hospital because a burglar kicked the hell out of him. I'm worried that the captain of the football team will kick the hell out of me if he finds out that I'm secretly seeing his girlfriend. If you ever scare me like that again, I'll kick the hell out of you, I swear!
2. To defeat one decisively in a competition. The final score was 17-1? Wow, we really kicked the hell out of that team!

beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of somebody/something

(informal) (also beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of somebody/something taboo, slang) beat, etc. somebody/something very hard: If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.




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