

词组 ring in their ears
释义 (redirected from ring in their ears)

ring in (one's) ears

To still be vividly present in one's mind or memory, as if one can still hear it. Usually said of something very loud or significant that one heard. The sound of the gunfire was still ringing in my ears the next morning. The horrible things she said to me have been ringing in my ears ever since.

ring in someone's ears

 and ring in someone's mind
Fig. [for words or a sound] to linger in one's consciousness. Her words rang in my ears for days. The sound of the choir rang in their minds long after they had finished their anthem.

ring in your ears (or head)

linger in the memory.

ring in your ˈears/ˈhead

make you feel you can still hear something: Months later, the applause at the Berlin concert was still ringing in her ears.




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