carnival louse
carnival louse
a person who follows a carnival from town to town and associates with carnival employees, but is not one himself
US, 1981
set myself up for a let-down
set myself up for a let down
set my shoulder to the wheel
set my sights high
set my sights low
set my sights on
set my teeth
set my teeth on edge
set no store
set no store by
set no store by her
set no store by him
set no store by me
set no store by somebody
set no store by someone
set no store by something
set no store by (something or someone)
set no store by them
set no store by us
set no store by you
set no store in
set no store in her
set no store in him
scratch something and you'll find
scratch (something) and you'll find (something else)
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更新时间:2025/3/13 21:07:04