

词组 can't do anything with you
释义 (redirected from can't do anything with you)

can't do anything with (someone or something)

Cannot manage or contain someone or something. You just can't do anything with three energetic toddlers, and I have a headache from trying. I can't do anything with all these books and papers my daughter brings home from school—it's like they multiply overnight!

can't do anything with someone or something

not [to be] able to manage or control someone or something. (Also with cannot.) Bill is such a discipline problem. I can't do anything with him. My hair is such a mess. I just can't do anything with it.

can't do anything with

Unable to cope with or manage someone or something. For example, I can't do anything with my hair, or My teenage daughter is very difficult-I can't do anything with her. This expression uses do in the sense of "deal with," a usage dating from the early 1500s.




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