

词组 shake up
shake someone or something up
to jostle or knock someone or something around; to toss someone or something back and forth.
We rode over a rough road, and that shook us up.The accident shook up John quite a bit.
shake upshake up (someone)
to upset someone.
The kids were pretty shaken up by the accident.Patrick's death shook me up pretty badly.

Phr V
shake up
shakes, shaking, shook, shaken
shake up sth or shake sth up
to mix things inside a container by moving the container quickly up and down
You just put oil, vinegar and lemon juice in a jar, shake them up and you've got an instant salad-dressing.
to make big changes to an organization in order to improve it
A Japanese-trained manager was brought in to shake up the organization.The government has shaken up the capital markets too.
In the recent shake-up at Acme Communications, five senior managers lost their jobs.
shake up sb or shake sb up
if an unpleasant experience shakes someone up, it makes them feel shocked and upset
She was quite shaken up by the accident.
to shock someone in order to make them work harder or behave better
There are a lot of lazy, complacent people round here and they need shaking up.
phraseshake up1. shake sb upshake up sb to give someone a very unpleasant shock, so that they feel very upset and frightened: Seeing that accident really shook me up. When we heard the news were too shaken up and surprised to react immediately.2. shake up sthshake sth up to make big changes to a company or organization over a short period of time, in order to make it more effective: A new director was brought in last year to shake things up. When Albano was sworn in as mayor two weeks ago, he vowed to shake up the police department.shake-up n C when big changes are made to a company or organization over a short period of time, in order to make it more effective: a financial crisis that led to a major management shake-up a huge shake-up of the education system

shake up

1. To shake something in order to mix up or loosen its contents. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shake" and "up." Make sure you shake up the carton of juice before you pour it out. It's easier to pour the ketchup if you shake the bottle up first.
2. To forcefully or drastically reorganize or rearrange something, as a group or organization. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shake" and "up." After the merger, the upper management of the company was completely shaken up. The scandal has really shaken things up within the department, with several members resigning or being fired.
3. To do something different from one's normal routine in order to make things feel new or interesting. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shake" and "up." I'm tired of getting Chinese food—let's shake things up and try that new Polynesian restaurant. It's important to shake up your day-to-day routine, or you may end up in a rut.
4. To make someone very upset; to frighten or shock someone. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shake" and "up." It seems like the car accident shook her up pretty badly. I was shaken up for most of the day after hearing about my grandfather's death.

shake someone or something up

to jostle or knock someone or something around; to toss someone or something back and forth. We rode over a rough road, and that shook us up. The accident shook up John quite a bit.

shake someone up

to shock or upset someone. The sight of the injured man shook me up. Your rude remark really shook up Tom.

shake something up

1. Lit. to shake a container to mix its contents together well. Please shake this up before using it. I shook up the medicine bottle like it says on the label.
2. Fig. to reorganize a group or organization, not always in a gentle way. The new manager shook the office up and made things run a lot better. The coach shook the team up before the last game and made them better organized.

shook up

upset; shocked. (See also all shook up.) Relax, man! Don't get shook up! I always get shook up when I see a bad accident.

shake up

1. Agitate in order to mix or loosen, as in This cough medicine needs to be thoroughly shaken up, or Please shake up these pillows.
2. Upset greatly, as in Even though no one was hurt, he was greatly shaken up by the accident. This usage alludes to being agitated like a liquid being shaken. Also see all shook up. [Late 1800s]
3. Subject to drastic rearrangement or reorganization, as in New management was bent on shaking up each division.

shake up

1. To move something vigorously up and down or from side to side, as in mixing: I shook up the orange juice before I opened the carton. We shook the ingredients up and poured them into a bowl.
2. To upset someone by or as if by a physical jolt or shock: The accident really shook us up. The bad news shook up the whole family.
3. To subject something to a drastic rearrangement or reorganization: The new management intends to shake up the company. The CEO's new policies have really shaken things up around here—I now report to a new boss.

Shake it (up)!

exclam. Hurry!; Move faster! Get going, chum! Shake it up!

shook up

See all shook up




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