

词组 matching her with
释义 (redirected from matching her with)

match (someone or something) with (someone or something else)

1. To match two people or two things together to face off in a challenge or competition. For the first round of the tournament, they matched Karen with the three-time state champion. For this comparison review, we've matched the new Samsung Galaxy S20 with the iPhone X5.
2. To compare someone or something to someone or something else to see if the two correspond correctly. They'll match your name with the guest list to see if you're allowed inside the party. Go down to the warehouse and match what's on the inventory list with what you find down there.

match with

1. To be the same as, comparable with, or in agreement with something: The results of our study matched with the previous results perfectly.
2. To compare something with something else to see whether their parts correspond: Match your scorecard with mine to see whether there is any disagreement.
3. To set someone or something in competition with someone or something else: I don't know why they matched us with a team that is so much stronger than we are; we'll only lose.




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