

词组 buy on tick
释义 (redirected from buy on tick)

buy (something) on tick

To purchase something on credit. "Tick" is short for "ticket," a note showing one's debt (now an uncommon practice). Primarily heard in UK. I've already spent so much on this trip that I had to buy some last-minute purchases on tick. If you need groceries and won't get paid for another week, just buy them on tick.

get, buy, etc. something on ˈtick

(old-fashioned, British English, informal) get food or other goods and pay for them later: You can only buy things on tick in small shops where they know you well. Tick is probably a short form of ticket and referred to the written note (an IOU) given by a person borrowing something to the lender as proof that they would pay them back or return the goods.




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