

词组 see daylight
idiomsee daylight1 to begin to understand something:I think I'm beginning to see daylight in this affair.After listening for several minutes, I suddenly saw daylight.2 to be discovered or noticed:I had written a novel, but I did not think it would ever see daylight.

see daylight

1. To begin to understand or make sense of something that was previously confusing, convoluted, or ambiguous. I was so focused on the problem that I couldn't think about it clearly, so I finally took a break, worked on something else for a while, and saw daylight as soon as I came back to it again. As a tutor, you want to help your students see daylight for themselves, not just get them to parrot back information.
2. To near the conclusion of a project or activity, or come to a point where the end of a project is conceivable. For a while it felt like I would never get this book done, but I'm finally starting to see daylight. After four hours of intense negotiation, we can see daylight on the merger deal.

see daylight

begin to understand what was previously puzzling or unclear.

see ˈdaylight

begin to understand something that you didn’t understand before: It was a long time before he finally saw daylight and realized what was going on.

see daylight

To make sufficient progress so that completion of a project seems possible.




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