

词组 ram down throat
ram down throatram (something) down (someone's) throat
informal if someone rams their opinions or ideas down your throat, they force you to listen to them and try to make you accept them.
And although he's got very strong views on such subjects, he doesn't try to ram them down your throat.He's a committed Christian but he doesn't ram it down your throat.
(redirected from ram down throat)

shove (something) down (one's) throat

1. To compel or physically force one to swallow an object. I hate how doctors try to shove pills down your throat for even the tiniest of colds. The government has come under fire for ordering prison staff to shove food down the hunger strikers' throats.
2. To force, compel, or attempt to make one accept, endure, consider, or agree with or to something. I hate going to my friend's house, because his husband's always shoving political rhetoric down my throat. Look, I'm just browsing around for a car, quit trying to shove one down my throat!

shove someone or something down someone's throat

 and ram someone or something down someone's throat; force someone or something down someone's throat 
1. Lit. to force someone to swallow something. The harsh nurse forced the medicine down the patient's throat. The zookeepers rammed the food down the python's throat.
2. Fig. to force someone to accept something. Don't try to force that car down my throat! I don't want it! You can't force that nonsense down my throat! I don't want any more insurance, and I don't want anyone to shove any insurance down my throat. Mary isn't invited to my party, and I don't wish for anyone to ram her down my throat!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 23:36:27