

词组 rewrites the history books
释义 (redirected from rewrites the history books)

rewrite the history books

1. To create a false narrative about how a historical event happened so as to promote one's own personal agenda or beliefs. The government is being accused of rewriting the history books by instructing schools to use textbooks that paint its formation 200 years ago (and the subsequent decimation of the indigenous population here) in a more positive light.
2. To achieve a level of success that sets a new record or goes against a history of performing poorly. Used especially in reference to sports. After missing out on the playoffs for nearly 50 years in a row, the team has been on a huge winning streak this season, and it has a chance to rewrite the history books by not only making the playoffs, but winning the whole championship. The up-and-coming player is rewriting the history books with his stunning debut year on the field.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 8:23:19